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20240904 [새벽묵상] 모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이룹시다 | We All Must Gather Strength Together to Fulfill God's Mission (느/Neh 3:1-14)

3:1 그 때에 대제사장 엘리아십이 그의 형제 제사장들과 함께 일어나 양문을 건축하여 성별하 고 문짝을 달고 또 성벽을 건축하여 함메아 망대에서부터 하나넬 망대까지 성별하였고

3:2 그 다음은 여리고 사람들이 건축하였고 또 그 다음은 이므리의 아들 삭굴이 건축하였으며

1 Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set its doors in place, building as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they dedicated, and as far as the Tower of Hananel. 2 The men of Jericho built the adjoining section, and Zakkur son of Imri built next to them.

3:3 어문은 하스나아의 자손들이 건축하여 그 들보를 얹고 문짝을 달고 자물쇠와 빗장을 갖추었고

3:4 그 다음은 학고스의 손자 우리아의 아들 므레못이 중수하였고 그 다음은 므세사벨의 손자 베레갸의 아들 므둘람이 중수하였고 그 다음은 바아나의 아들 사독이 중수하였고

3:5 그 다음은 드고아 사람들이 중수하였으나 그 귀족들은 그들의 주인들의 공사를 분담하지 아니하였으며

3 The Fish Gate was rebuilt by the sons of Hassenaah. They laid its beams and put its doors and bolts and bars in place. 4 Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired the next section. Next to him Meshullam son of Berekiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs, and next to him Zadok son of Baana also made repairs. 5 The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.

3:6 옛 문은 바세아의 아들 요야다와 브소드야의 아들 므술람이 중수하여 그 들보를 얹고 문짝을 달고 자물쇠와 빗장을 갖추었고

3:7 그 다음은 기브온 사람 믈라댜와 메로놋 사람 야돈이 강 서쪽 총독의 관할에 속한 기브온 사람들 및 미스바 사람들과 더불어 중수하였고

3:8 그 다음은 금장색 할해야의 아들 웃시엘 등이 중수하였고 그 다음은 향품 장사 하나냐 등이 중수하되 그들이 예루살렘의 넓은 성벽까지 하였고

3:9 그 다음은 예루살렘 지방의 절반을 다스리는 후르의 아들 르바야가 중수하였고

3:10 그 다음은 하루맙의 아들 여다야가 자기 집과 마주 대한 곳을 중수하였고 그 다음은 하삽느야의 아들 핫두스가 중수하였고

3:11 하림의 아들 말기야와 바핫모압의 아들 핫숩이 한 부분과 화덕 망대를 중수하였고

3:12 그 다음은 예루살렘 지방 절반을 다스리는 할로헤스의 아들 살룸과 그의 딸들이 중수하였고

6 The Jeshanah Gate was repaired by Joiada son of Paseah and Meshullam son of Besodeiah. They laid its beams and put its doors with their bolts and bars in place. 7 Next to them, repairs were made by men from Gibeon and Mizpah—Melatiah of Gibeon and Jadon of Meronoth—places under the authority of the governor of Trans-Euphrates. 8 Uzziel son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, repaired the next section; and Hananiah, one of the perfume-makers, made repairs next to that. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. 9 Rephaiah son of Hur, ruler of a half-district of Jerusalem, repaired the next section. 10 Adjoining this, Jedaiah son of Harumaph made repairs opposite his house, and Hattush son of Hashabneiah made repairs next to him. 11 Malkijah son of Harim and Hasshub son of Pahath-Moab repaired another section and the Tower of the Ovens. 12 Shallum son of Hallohesh, ruler of a half-district of Jerusalem, repaired the next section with the help of his daughters.

3:13 골짜기 문은 하눈과 사노아 주민이 중수하여 문을 세우며 문짝을 달고 자물쇠와 빗장을 갖추고 또 분문까지 성벽 천 규빗을 중수하였고

13 The Valley Gate was repaired by Hanun and the residents of Zanoah. They rebuilt it and put its doors with their bolts and bars in place. They also repaired a thousand cubits of the wall as far as the Dung Gate.

3:14 분문은 벧학게렘 지방을 다스리는 레갑의 아들 말기야가 중수하여 문을 세우며 문짝을 달고 자물쇠와 빗장을 갖추었고

14 The Dung Gate was repaired by Malkijah son of Rekab, ruler of the district of Beth Hakkerem. He rebuilt it and put its doors with their bolts and bars in place.


            여러분 오늘의 본문 말씀은 하나님에 대해 어떻게 이야기 하고 있습니까? 또 사람에 대해 인간에 대해서는 어떻게 이야기 하고 있습니까? 오늘의 본문 말씀은 페르시아 제국의 아닥사스다왕의 술관원이었던 느헤미야가 예루살렘의 성벽과 성문이 무너졌다는 이야기를 듣고 하나님께 금식하며 기도하고 왕의 허락을 받아 예루살렘으로 내려와 이스라엘 백성들과 함께 성벽을 다시 세우는 이야기를 담고 있습니다. 느헤미야는 자신의 세상적 지위나 왕의 친서와 같은 권력으로 이스라엘 백성 위에 서서 명령하는 것이 아니라 오히려 자신 또한 어려움을 당한 이스라엘 백성들과 같은 하나님의 백성임을 이야기하지요. 어제의 말씀 17절 말씀처럼 ‘’ 언어가 아닌 ‘우리’ 언어를 사용해서 사람들의 처지를 공감하고, 또 그들에게 하나님의 선한 손이 그를 어떻게 도우셨는지를 나누어 그들로 하여금 하나님께서 어떻게 페르시아의 왕을 사용하셔서 이 일을 시작하셨는지를 이야기합니다. 그러자 그런 느헤미야의 이야기를 듣고 18절에 사람들이 대답하게 되는 것입니다. “일어나 건축하자” 하고 말입니다. 그리고 “모두 힘을 내어 이 선한 일을” 시작하는 것입니다. 오늘 말씀에 많은 이들의 이름이 나옵니다. 어떤이는 개인적으로 성벽 재건에 참여하고, 어떤이는 그 온 가족이 함께 일어나 불에 타버린 문들을 수리하고, 어떤 이들은 동네사람들이 함께 모여 협력하여 성벽을 세우고, 어떤 이는 같은 직업을 가진 사람들이 모여 그 사역에 동참하는 등, 많은 이들이 하나님의 뜻을 이루기위해 협력합니다. 비록 그들의 상황은 어려웠을지 모르지만 힘을 내어 무너진 성벽을 함께 세웠던 것입니다. 여러분 성벽을 재건하는 것은 하나님께서 느헤미야에게 주신 사명일것입니다. 그러나 느헤미야 혼자서는 그 사명을 이룰 수 없습니다. 그 사명을 실제로 이루는 것은 보이지 않았던 많은 사람의 참여와 헌신입니다.  여러분 오늘 말씀은 바로 이것입니다. 모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루어야 하는것입니다. 우리 모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루는 것입니다.

                  What does today's scripture say about God? And what does it say about people and humanity? Today's scripture tells the story of Nehemiah, who was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of the Persian Empire. When Nehemiah heard that the walls and gates of Jerusalem had fallen, he fasted and prayed to God, received permission from the king, and went down to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls with the people of Israel.


Nehemiah does not use his worldly position or the king's authority to command the people of Israel from above. Rather, he speaks as one of God's people who has also experienced hardship, just like the Israelites. As in verse 17 of yesterday's scripture, he uses "we" language instead of "I" language to empathize with the people's situation. He shares how God's good hand has helped him, telling them how God used the Persian king to begin this work. Upon hearing Nehemiah's words, the people respond in verse 18, saying, "Let us rise up and build." And they "set their hands to this good work."


Many names appear in today's scripture. Some individuals participate in rebuilding the wall personally, some families come together to repair the burned gates, some neighbors collaborate to build the wall, and some people of the same profession join in the ministry. Many cooperate to fulfill God's will. Although their situation may have been difficult, they gathered strength and rebuilt the fallen walls together.


The rebuilding of the walls was God's mission given to Nehemiah. However, Nehemiah cannot fulfill this mission alone. What actually accomplishes the mission is the participation and dedication of many unseen people. Today's message is precisely this: everyone must gather strength together to fulfill God's mission. We all must gather strength together to fulfill God's mission.

                  모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루는 것 그 첫번째, 지도자들이 본을 보이고 그 사명의 첫 삽을 뜹니다. 오늘 말씀 1절에 보니 이렇게 말씀하십니다. “그때에 대제사장 엘리아십이 그의 형제 제사장들과 함께 일어나 양문을 건축하여 성별하고 문짝을 달고 또 성벽을 건축하여 함메아 망대에서부터 하나넬 망대까지 성별하였고.” 가장 먼저 일어나 성벽을 건축한 이 누구입니까? 바로 대제사장 엘리아십과 그의 형제 제사장들입니다. 엘리아십은 약 100여년 전 페르시아왕 고레스의 칙령으로 포로들 중 처음으로 이 곳 예루살렘 땅에 내려와 성전을 다시 지었던 대제사장 예수아의 손자입니다. 아마도 그는 할아버지때부터 대대로 예루살렘으로 돌아온 사람들의 신앙의 지도자였을 것입니다. 지도자가 먼저 솔선수범하여 백성의 참여를 독려하였던 것입니다. 그가 맡았던 구역은 양문으로 예루살렘 성에서 성전이 있던 자리 북동쪽에 있던 문이었습니다. 양문은 성전으로 제사를 드리기위해 양을 들여오던 문으로 이 문을 가장 먼저 세웠던 것은 하나님께 드리는 제사를 가장 먼저 회복하기 위함이 아니었을까 생각합니다. 그리고 대제사장 엘리아십과 그의 형제 제사장들은 시계 반대방향으로 성벽을 하나넬 망대까지 건축하고 새로 지은 양문과 성벽을 성별, 즉, 하나님 앞에 거룩하게 구별하였습니다. 이렇게 영적인 지도자였던 대제사장 엘리아십과 그의 가문은 이 사명의 시작을 거룩하게 구별함으로서 이 일이 하나님의 사명을 이루는 일임을 다시 한번 백성들에게 보여주었던 것입니다.

Fulfilling God's mission together with everyone's strength:


First, the leaders set an example and take the first step in the mission. Verse 1 of today's scripture says, "Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brothers the priests, and they built the Sheep Gate. They consecrated it and set up its doors. They consecrated the wall to the Tower of the Hundred and the Tower of Hananel." Who was the first to rise up and build the wall? It was the high priest Eliashib and his brother priests. Eliashib was the grandson of Jeshua, the high priest who first came down to Jerusalem about 100 years ago with the decree of King Cyrus of Persia and rebuilt the temple. He was probably the spiritual leader of the people who had returned to Jerusalem for generations since his grandfather's time. The leader took the initiative to encourage the people's participation.


The section he was responsible for was the Sheep Gate, which was located on the northeast side of Jerusalem where the temple was. The Sheep Gate was the entrance through which sheep were brought in for sacrifices in the temple. Building this gate first was likely to restore the sacrifices to God as the top priority. Eliashib the high priest and his brother priests built the wall counterclockwise to the Tower of Hananel and consecrated the newly built Sheep Gate and wall, setting them apart as holy before God. In this way, the spiritual leader, High Priest Eliashib and his family, showed the people once again that this work was fulfilling God's mission by setting it apart as holy at the beginning of this mission.

                  모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루는 것 그 두번째, 다양한 각양각색의 사람들이 함께 모여 하나님의 사명을 이루기위해 힘씁니다. 본문의 말씀은 양문으로부터 시작하여 시계반대방향으로 성벽과 성문을 재건하는 과정을 말씀하고 있습니다. 오늘 말씀의 분량으로는 북동쪽 양문에서 시작하여 성 최남단에 있는 분문 즉 분뇨를 버리던 문까지를 재건하는데 다양하고 많은 사람들의 이름이 등장하지요. 어떤 사람들은 개인으로 이 일에 참여하여 성벽을 재건하는데 힘을 썼고 2절에 나오는 여리고 사람들처럼 어느 한 지역 사람들이 힘을 합쳐 건축을 하는 경우도 있었습니다. 앞서 이야기한 대제사장 엘리아십과 그의 제사장 가문의 형제들처럼 가족이 힘을 합쳐 재건에 힘쓰는 사람들도 있었는데 12절을 보시면 이런 말씀이 있습니다. “그 다음은 예루살렘 지방 절반을 다스리는 할로헤스의 아들 살룸과 그의 딸들이 중수하였고.” 하나님의 사명을 이루는 데는 남자 뿐만 아니라 여자들도 함께 참여했다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 성벽 재건이 육체적인 노동이  동반되는 일임을 생각할 때, 또 이 일이 대적의 공격을 방어하면서 동시에 수리했어야 하는 위험한 일이었음을 생각할 때 여성의 참여는 실로 놀라운 일이 아닐 수 없습니다. 7절에 보니 어떤 이들은 성벽을 짓는 것이 자신들에게 아무런 이득이 되지 않는데도 이 사명에 참여하였던 사람도 있습니다. “그 다음은 기브온 사람 믈라댜와 메로놋 사람 야돈이 강 서쪽 총독의 관할에 속한 기브온 사람들 및 미스바 사람들과 더불어 중수하였고” 이들은 강 서쪽 총독의 관할에 속하여 즉 성벽 밖 서쪽에 살아서 성벽을 짓는 것이 아무런 이득이 없던 사람들입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 하나님의 사명을 위해 협력하여 재건에 참여합니다.

Second, diverse people of all kinds come together to work hard to fulfill God's mission. The scripture describes the process of rebuilding the walls and gates counterclockwise, starting from the Sheep Gate. In today's passage, many diverse people's names appear as they rebuild from the Sheep Gate in the northeast to the Dung Gate at the southernmost point of the city. Some people participated individually to help rebuild the wall, while others, like the people of Jericho mentioned in verse 2, joined forces as a community to build. Some families worked together on the reconstruction, as did Eliashib the high priest and his priestly brothers mentioned earlier. Verse 12 says, "Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh, ruler of half the district of Jerusalem, repaired, he and his daughters." We can see that not only men but also women participated in fulfilling God's mission.


Considering that rebuilding the wall involved physical labor and was dangerous work that had to be done while defending against enemy attacks, the participation of women is truly remarkable. Verse 7 shows that some people participated in this mission even though building the wall brought them no personal benefit: "Next to them repaired Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and of Mizpah, who were under the jurisdiction of the governor of the province Beyond the River." These were people who lived under the jurisdiction of the governor west of the river, that is, outside the wall to the west, so building the wall brought them no benefit. Nevertheless, they cooperated to participate in the reconstruction for the sake of God's mission.


8절에 보니 손재주가 좋았던 금장색과 향품장사하는 이들은 “중수하되 예루살렘의 넓은 성벽까지 하였다.”라고 합니다. 10절에 보니 자기 집 가까운 곳을 수리하던 사람도 있습니다. “그다음은 하루맙의 아들 여다야가 자기집과 마주 대한 곳을 중수하였고” 자신의 집만을 보호하기 위한 이기적인 이유였는지, 아니면 여력이 없어 자신이 할 수 있는 만큼만 헌신한 것인지 이유는 모르지만 아마도 자기집과 마주 대한 곳인만큼 정성을 다해 수리하였을 것입니다. 이렇게나 다양한 사람들이 다양한 이유를 가지고 다양한 각자의 분량만큼 하나님의 사명을 이루기위해 힘쓰고 헌신합니다. 비록 그들은 서로 다를지 몰라도 그들이 하나되어 하나님의 사명을 이루려 할 때 그들의 무너진 성벽은 재건되는 것입니다.

그러나 물론 이렇게 하나의 기치아래 모인다 하더라도 모든 사람이 마음을 같이 하는건 아닙니다. 오늘 말씀 5절의 드고아 귀족들 처럼 함께 하기를 거절하는 이들이 있지요. “그 다음은 드고아 사람들이 중수하였으나 그 귀족들은 그들의 주인들의 공사를 분담하지 아니하였으며” 잡음이 생기고 동역하지 않고 함께 분담하지 않는 이들이 어디든지 있는 것입니다. 이스라엘 백성에게도 이는 예외가 아니었습니다. 그러나 그럼에도 불구하고 그들의 사역은 멈춰지지 않았습니다. 완전한 연합이 아니어도 그들은 시작한 일을 멈추지 않았습니다. 그리고 예루살렘 성벽의 재건은 협력을 거절한 사람들이 아닌 하나님의 사명을 이루기 위해 힘을 합쳤던 각양각색의 사람들의 힘으로 이루어집니다. 모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루는 것입니다.

Verse 8 mentions that goldsmiths and perfumers with good handiwork "restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall." Verse 10 shows that some people repaired the section near their own houses: "Next to them Jedaiah the son of Harumaph repaired opposite his house." Whether for selfish reasons to protect only their own homes, or because they lacked the means to contribute more, they likely put their hearts into repairing the section facing their homes. In this way, diverse people with various motivations dedicated themselves to fulfilling God's mission, each according to their own capacity. Although they may have been different from each other, when they united to fulfill God's mission, their fallen wall was rebuilt.


Of course, even when gathered under one banner, not everyone is of one mind. Like the nobles of Tekoa in verse 5, some refuse to cooperate: "And next to them the Tekoites repaired, but their nobles would not stoop to serve their Lord." There are always those who cause discord and refuse to cooperate or share the work. This was no exception for the people of Israel. Nevertheless, their work did not stop. Even without perfect unity, they did not cease the work they had begun. And the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls was accomplished by the strength of the various people who joined forces to fulfill God's mission, not by those who refused to cooperate. Everyone gathers strength together to fulfill God's mission.

                  말씀을 맺습니다. 여러분 제가 한사랑교회에 부임하게된지 오늘로 정확히 딱 한 달이 됩니다. 제가 8월 4일 주일에 사역을 시작하고 오늘이 9월4일이니 정확히 한 달이 되었지요. 제가 한사랑 교회에 비록 한 달 밖에 없었지만 그 한 달 동안 정말 많은 일들이 있었습니다.  BBQ, 리더십 수련회, 전교인 피크닉 등등. 그런데 그 일들을 지나면서 저는 우리 임은석 목사님이 얼마나 전심으로 여러분들을 섬기시는지를 볼 수 있었습니다. 그리고 얼마나 열심히 여러분들을 하나님의 사역으로 초대하시는지 옆에서 볼 수 있었습니다. 그러나 여러분 우리 임은석 목사님 혼자서는 하나님의 사명을 온전히 이룰 수 없습니다. 마치 느헤미야가 이스라엘 사람들에게 하나님의 사명을 전할 때 이스라엘 백성들이 그 말을 듣고 “모두 힘을 내어 이 선한 일을 하려”할 때 이스라엘의 무너진 성벽이 재건되었던것 처럼 우리 목사님께서 여러분께 하나님의 말씀과 사명을 전하실 때 이제는 여러분께서 모두 힘을 내어 이 선한 일을 하셔야 하는 것입니다. 그렇습니다. 우리의 대제사장이신 임은석 목사님이 우리에게 이미 본을 보이시고 하나님의 사명을 시작하셨습니다. 이제 각양각색의 모습을 지닌 우리 성도님들의 힘을 하나로 모을 때입니다. 어려울 수 있습니다. 함께 하기를 거절하는 사람들이 생길 수도 있습니다. 그러나 하나님의 일을 이루는 것은 그럼에도 불구하고 사명을 위해 힘을 합치는 여러분 성도님들의 참여와 헌신인 것입니다. 여러분 이번 주부터 구역장 모임이 시작됩니다. 지금이 바로 힘을 낼 때입니다. 성도 여러분, 모두 힘을 내어 우리 한사랑 교회를 향한 하나님의 사명을 이루셔야 합니다. 모두 힘을 내어 함께 하나님의 사명을 이루시는 성도여러분이 되시기를 주님의 이름으로 축원합니다.


To conclude the message: It has been exactly one month today since I was appointed to Hansarang Church. I started my ministry on Sunday, August 4th, and today is September 4th, so it has been exactly one month. Although I've only been at Hansarang Church for a month, so many things have happened during that time: BBQ, leadership retreat, all-church picnic, and more. As I went through these events, I could see how wholeheartedly Pastor Lim Eun-seok serves you all. And I could see from the side how earnestly he invites you all into God's ministry.


However, Pastor Lim Eun-seok cannot fully accomplish God's mission alone. Just as when Nehemiah conveyed God's mission to the Israelites and they listened and "set their hands to this good work," rebuilding Israel's fallen walls, now when our pastor delivers God's word and mission to you, you all must set your hands to this good work. Yes, our high priest, Pastor Lim Eun-seok, has already set an example for us and begun God's mission. Now is the time to unite the strength of our diverse congregation members. It may be difficult. There may be people who refuse to participate. But what accomplishes God's work is the participation and dedication of you, the church members, who join forces for the sake of the mission, despite these challenges.


The cell group leader meetings start this week. Now is the time to gather strength. Dear congregation, you must all gather strength to fulfill God's mission for our Hansarang Church. I pray in the Lord's name that you all will be congregation members who gather strength together to fulfill God's mission.


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