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20240910 [새벽묵상] 대적의 공격을 두려워 말고 하나님을 기억하라 | Do not fear the attacks of the enemy, but remember God (느/Neh 6:1-14)

6:1 산발랏과 도비야와 아라비아 사람 게셈과 그 나머지 우리의 원수들이 내가 성벽을 건축하 여 허물어진 틈을 남기지 아니하였다 함을 들었는데 그 때는 내가 아직 성문에 문짝을 달지 못한 때였더라

6:2 산발랏과 게셈이 내게 사람을 보내어 이르기를 오라 우리가 오노 평지 한 촌에서 서로 만나자 하니 실상은 나를 해하고자 함이었더라

6:3 내가 곧 그들에게 사자들을 보내어 이르기를 내가 이제 큰 역사를 하니 내려가지 못하겠노라 어찌하여 역사를 중지하게 하고 너희에게로 내려가겠느냐 하매

6:4 그들이 네 번이나 이같이 내게 사람을 보내되 나는 꼭같이 대답하였더니

1 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though up to that time I had not set the doors in the gates— 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono.”

But they were scheming to harm me; 3 so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” 4 Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer.

6:5 산발랏이 다섯 번째는 그 종자의 손에 봉하지 않은 편지를 들려 내게 보냈는데

6:6 그 글에 이르기를 이방 중에도 소문이 있고 가스무도 말하기를 너와 유다 사람들이 모반하려 하여 성벽을 건축한다 하나니 네가 그 말과 같이 왕이 되려 하는도다

6:7 또 네가 선지자를 세워 예루살렘에서 너를 들어 선전하기를 유다에 왕이 있다 하게 하였으니 지금 이 말이 왕에게 들릴지라 그런즉 너는 이제 오라 함께 의논하자 하였기로

5 Then, the fifth time, Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message, and in his hand was an unsealed letter 6 in which was written:

“It is reported among the nations—and Geshem says it is true—that you and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and therefore you are building the wall. Moreover, according to these reports you are about to become their king 7 and have even appointed prophets to make this proclamation about you in Jerusalem: ‘There is a king in Judah!’ Now this report will get back to the king; so come, let us meet together.”

6:8 내가 사람을 보내어 그에게 이르기를 네가 말한 바 이런 일은 없는 일이요 네 마음에서 지어낸 것이라 하였나니

6:9 이는 그들이 다 우리를 두렵게 하고자 하여 말하기를 그들의 손이 피곤하여 역사를 중지하고 이루지 못하리라 함이라 이제 내 손을 힘있게 하옵소서 하였노라

8 I sent him this reply: “Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head.”

9 They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.”

But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.”

6:10 이 후에 므헤다벨의 손자 들라야의 아들 스마야가 두문불출하기로 내가 그 집에 가니 그가 이르기를 그들이 너를 죽이러 올터이니 우리가 하나님의 전으로 가서 외소 안에 머물고 그 문을 닫자 저들이 반드시 밤에 와서 너를 죽이리라 하기로

10 One day I went to the house of Shemaiah son of Delaiah, the son of Mehetabel, who was shut in at his home. He said, “Let us meet in the house of God, inside the temple, and let us close the temple doors, because men are coming to kill you—by night they are coming to kill you.”

6:11 내가 이르기를 나 같은 자가 어찌 도망하며 나 같은 몸이면 누가 외소에 들어가서 생명을 보존하겠느냐 나는 들어가지 않겠노라 하고

6:12 깨달은즉 그는 하나님께서 보내신 바가 아니라 도비야와 산발랏에게 뇌물을 받고 내게 이런 예언을 함이라

6:13 그들이 뇌물을 준 까닭은 나를 두렵게 하고 이렇게 함으로 범죄 하게 하고 악한 말을 지어 나를 비방하려 함이었느니라

11 But I said, “Should a man like me run away? Or should someone like me go into the temple to save his life? I will not go!” 12 I realized that God had not sent him, but that he had prophesied against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. 13 He had been hired to intimidate me so that I would commit a sin by doing this, and then they would give me a bad name to discredit me.

6:14 내 하나님이여 도비야와 산발랏과 여선지 노아댜와 그 남은 선지자들 곧 나를 두렵게 하고자 한 자들의 소행을 기억하옵소서 하였노라

14 Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, my God, because of what they have done; remember also the prophet Noadiah and how she and the rest of the prophets have been trying to intimidate me.


여러분 오늘의 본문 말씀은 하나님에 대해 어떻게 이야기하고 있습니까? 또 사람에 대해, 인간에 대해서는 뭐라고 말씀하고 계십니까? 예루살렘 성이 무너졌다는 소식을 들은 느헤미야는 예루살렘에 내려와 유다백성들과 한마음 한뜻으로 성벽의 재건을 시작합니다. 그러자 그들의 대적이었던 산발랏, 도비야, 게셈은 크게 분노하며 유다사람들을 비웃습니다. 그 뿐만이 아닙니다. 그들을 협박하고 자신들이 가지고 있는 군사력을 총동원하여 테러까지 계획했습니다. 그 소식을 들은 느헤미야와 유다 사람들은 밤낮으로 경비병을 세워 위협에 대비하는 한편 각 가문별로 무기로 무장하고 방어가 취약한곳에 사람을 배치하여 공격에 대비했습니다. 4:14 백성들이 두려워하는 것을 보고 느헤미야는 귀족들과 관리들과 나머지 백성들에게 말했습니다. 느헤미야는 두려워하는 유다백성을 격려하며 말했습니다. “그들을 두려워하지 마시오. 위대하고 두려우신 여호와를 기억하고 여러분의 형제와 자녀와 아내와 가정을 위해 싸우시오.” 백성들의 두려움이 사라지고 하나님을 기억하자 대적들은 더이상 무력으로는 위협도 공격도 할 수 없었습니다. 오늘의 말씀도 마찬가지입니다. 1절에 보니 예루살렘 성벽이 거의 완성 되었습니다. 문만 달면 됩니다. 대적들에게는 이제 더 이상 시간이 없습니다. 마음이 급해지고 애가 탑니다. 그러자 그들은 최후의 수단, 계략을 사용합니다. 거짓 계략을 통해 지도자 암살을 꾀하거나, 여론전이나 스파이를 사용하여 유다백성들을 내부에서부터 무너지게 만드려는 것입니다. 그들이 원하는 것은 한가지였습니다. 바로 두렵게 하는것. 그러나 느헤미야는 대적의 공작 앞에 두려워하지 않습니다. 그리고 그는 하나님을 기억합니다. 오늘의 말씀은 바로 이것입니다. 여러분 하나님의 일이 거의 완성되어갈 때에 대적의 공격은 더욱 거세질 것입니다. 바로 그럴 때 두려워 마십시오. 오히려 위대하고 두려우신 하나님을 기억하십시오. 여러분 대적의 공격을 두려워 마시고 하나님을 기억하십시오.

What does today's scripture say about God? And what does it say about people, about humanity? When Nehemiah heard the news that Jerusalem had fallen, he came down to Jerusalem and began rebuilding the walls with one heart and mind with the people of Judah. Then their adversaries - Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem - became very angry and mocked the people of Judah. Not only that, they threatened them and even planned terrorist attacks by mobilizing all their military forces. Upon hearing this news, Nehemiah and the people of Judah set up guards day and night to prepare for threats, while each family armed themselves with weapons and deployed people to vulnerable areas to prepare for attacks.


Nehemiah 4:14 says, "After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, 'Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.'" When the people remembered God and their fear disappeared, the adversaries could no longer threaten or attack them with force.


Today's scripture is similar. In verse 1, we see that the wall of Jerusalem was almost complete. They just needed to hang the gates. The adversaries were running out of time. They became anxious and frustrated. So they use their last resort - schemes. They try to assassinate the leader through false plots, or use public opinion warfare and spies to break down the people of Judah from within. They wanted only one thing: to make them afraid. But Nehemiah is not afraid in the face of the enemy's schemes. And he remembers God.


This is today's message. When God's work is nearing completion, the attacks of the enemy will intensify. At that very moment, do not be afraid. Rather, remember the great and awesome God. Do not fear the attacks of the enemy, but remember God.

오늘 말씀에 나타난 세가지 대적의 공격 방식에 대해 말씀을 나누고 싶습니다.

대적의 공격 그 첫번째. 회유를 통한 속임수입니다.

2절을 보시겠습니다. “산발랏과 게셈이 내게 사람을 보내어 이르기를 오라 우리가 오노 평지 한 촌에서 서로 만나자하니 실상은 나를 해하고자 함이었더라” 이 말씀에 나와있는 “오노”는 예루살렘 성 밖 북서쪽에 있는 지역으로 사마리아와 예루살렘 서로의 중간에 위치한 대략 하루 이상의 여정을 해야 갈 수 있는 지역이었습니다. 기존과는 다르게 공식적으로 사람을 보내서 요청하지요. 마치 외교적인 방법으로 협상이나 휴전을 요청하는 듯 합니다. 그러나 사실 이건 너무나 뻔한 공작이지요. 누가봐도 함정 같지 않습니까? 느헤미야가 협상 테이블로 나오면 하루 이상걸리는 여정 길에서 느헤미야를 암살하고 지도자를 잃은 백성들은 두려움에 떨게 만드는 것이 그들의 계략 아니겠습니까? 오죽하면 오늘 2절 말씀에 느헤미야가 바로 간파를 하고 말하지요 “실상은 나를 해하고자 함이었더라.”  이들의 얼토당토않은 요청에 느헤미야도 절차를 거쳐 공식적으로 사자들을 보내어 거절합니다. 3절 “내가 곧 그들에게 사자들을 보내어 이르기를 … 내려가지 못하겠노라” 당연한 대답이지요. 그러자 4절에 보니 “그들이 네번이나 이같이 내게 사람을 보내되 나는 꼭 같이 대답하였더니”라고 합니다. 네번이나 사람을 다시 보냈대요. 이것은 대적이 그만큼 절박하다는 것을 보여주는 것입니다. 그리고 또한 대적은 아주아주 끈질기게 우리의 빈틈을 노리는 것 또한 알 수 있습니다. 여러분 누군가 얼토당토않은 속이 뻔히 보이는 요청을 보낸다면 여러분 정중히 거절하시겠지요. 그러나 같은 요청을 두번, 세번, 네번 보낸다면 여러분 어떨까요? 긴장감이 고조됩니다. 피곤해져요. 귀찮아서라도 한번쯤 들어주게 될지도 모릅니다. 그러나 여러분 대적에게 틈을 보이면 안됩니다. 여기서 그들과 협상을 하게 되면 죽음이 기다리고 있는 것입니다. 느헤미야는 어떻게 하였습니까? 상대해주지 않습니다. “꼭 같이 대답하였다.” 라고 합니다. 그의 대답인3절을 보니 그가 하고 있는 큰 역사는 하나님께서 주신 사명이었습니다. 여러분 어찌 하나님의 일을 끝까지 완수하지 않고 대적과 타협하겠습니까? 대적을 돌아보시면 안됩니다. 하나님을 기억하시고 맡기신 사명을 이루셔야하는 것입니다.

I want to share with you three ways the enemy attacks as shown in today's scripture:


The first attack of the enemy: Deception through persuasion.

Let's look at Nehemiah 6:2: "Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: 'Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono.' But they were scheming to harm me." Ono, mentioned in this verse, was an area northwest of Jerusalem, located halfway between Samaria and Jerusalem, about a day's journey away. Unlike before, they officially send people to make a request. It seems as if they are requesting negotiations or a ceasefire through diplomatic means. But in reality, this is a very obvious ploy. Doesn't it look like a trap to anyone? If Nehemiah comes out to the negotiating table, their plan is to assassinate him on the journey that takes more than a day, and make the people who have lost their leader tremble in fear. No wonder Nehemiah immediately sees through it and says in verse 2, "But they were scheming to harm me."


Nehemiah also officially sends messengers to reject this absurd request. Nehemiah 6:3 says, "So I sent messengers to them with this reply: 'I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?'" It's an obvious answer. Then in verse 4, it says, "Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer." They sent people four times. This shows how desperate the enemy is. And it also shows that the enemy is persistently looking for our weaknesses.


If someone sends you an absurd request that is clearly deceptive, you would politely decline, right? But what if they send the same request twice, three times, four times? The tension builds up. You get tired. You might even give in once out of annoyance. But you must not show any weakness to the enemy. If you negotiate with them here, death awaits. What did Nehemiah do? He doesn't engage with them. It says he "gave them the same answer." Looking at his answer in verse 3, the great work he was doing was a mission given by God. How can we compromise with the enemy without completing God's work to the end? We must not look back at the enemy. We must remember God and fulfill the mission He has entrusted to us.

대적의 공격 두번째, 여론전입니다. 소문을 퍼뜨립니다.

5절 “산발랏이 다섯번 째는 그 종자의 손에 봉하지 않은 편지를 들려 내게 보냈는데”라고 합니다. 여러분 일부러 봉하지 않은 편지입니다. 오는길에 여러 관문을 지날텐데 순식간에 전 지역에 편지의 내용이 퍼지겠지요. 그런데 한 술 더 뜹니다. 6절에 보니 편지 시작이 이래요. “이방중에도 소문이 있고 게셈도 말하기를” 이거 뭐에요? 이미 소문 다 났다 이거에요. 그러면 이 편지를 읽는 사람들은 어때요? 이 소식을 퍼뜨리는데 아무런 거리낌이 없어지지요. 아 뭐 이미 다 아는 사실인데 나 하나쯤 더 얘기해도 티도 안나겠네. 그쵸? 근데 내용이 뭐라구요? “너와 유다 사람들이 모반하려하여 성벽을 건축한다 하나니 네가 그 말과 같이 왕이되려 하는도다” 모반이에요. 어우 너무 재밌어. 뭐야뭐야, 느헤미야 왕된대? 아 그래서 성벽 짓는 거였어? 소문이 순식간에 퍼집니다. 여러분 이거 뭐에요? 블랙메일이죠. 마치 이것이 느헤미야가 짓고있는 성의 목적이었던 것 마냥 폭로하겠다고 위협하는 거에요. 그리고 7절을 보니 “또 네가… 유다에 왕이 있다하게 하였으니 지금 이 말이 왕에게 들릴지라 그런즉 너는 이제 오라 함께 의논하자 하였기로.” 여러분 앞에서는 블랙메일로 협박을 했는데 뒤에서는 뭐라고 합니까? 아주 걱정하는 듯이 말합니다. 야 너 이 말이 왕한테 들어가면 어쩌게? 그리고 결론이 뭐에요? “그런즉 너는 이제 오라.” 그쵸? 결론은 “와라.” 마치 걱정해주고 자기가 해결해 줄 것처럼. “함께 의논하자”라고 합니다. 이미 자기가 사람들한테 의도적으로 소문 다 내놓고, 이 소문 왕 귀에 들어가지 않게 하려면 오래요. 결론은 앞의 네번과 똑같아요. 그런데 이거, 진짜 오라는 걸까요? 여러분 여기서 가면 어떻게 되요? 이 소문이 진짜가 되는 거에요. 안가도 어떻게 되요? 이미 소문은 다 퍼졌어요. 지나가는 사람들마다, “아 이 성이 유다애들 반역하느라 지은 성이래?” 라고 하는거에요. 여기에 대적의 진짜 숨은 의도가 있는것이에요 9절에 보니 “이는 그들이 다 우리를 두렵게 하고자하여 … 역사를 중지하고 이루지 못하리라함이라.” 이런 소문이 퍼지면 백성들이 성벽 지으면서 마음이 조마조마 하지 않겠어요? 아 이거 혹시 진짜 저 가짜소문처럼 되는거 아냐? 성문 마저 달았다가 우리 큰일 나는거 아냐? 마음이 두려워져요. 이제는 상황을 무시할 수만은 없어요. 그래서 느헤미야는 어떻게 합니까? 하나님을 기억합니다. 그리고 하나님께 기도를 해요. 9절 “이제 내 손을 힘있게 하옵소서 하였노라” 영어성경을 보니 이렇게 말합니다 “그러나 나는 기도하기를 지금 나의 손을 강건하게 하옵소서 하였다” 대적이 여론전으로 그들을 공격할 때 느헤미야는 두려워하지 않고 하나님을 기억함으로 하나님께 기도하였던 것입니다. 대적의 공격을 두려워 하지 말고 하나님을 기억해야 하는 것입니다.

The second attack of the enemy: Rumor.

They spread rumors. Nehemiah 6:5 says, "Then, the fifth time, Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message, and in his hand was an unsealed letter." It's an intentionally unsealed letter. As it passes through several checkpoints on its way, the contents of the letter will spread throughout the region in an instant. And it gets worse. The letter begins like this in verse 6: "It is reported among the nations—and Geshem says it is true—that you and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and therefore you are building the wall. Moreover, according to these reports you are about to become their king." What is this? It's saying the rumor is already out there. How do the people reading this letter feel? They have no hesitation in spreading this news. Oh, it's already a known fact, so it wouldn't make a difference if I talk about it too, right?


But what's the content? It's about rebellion. Oh, how interesting. What? Nehemiah is going to be king? Ah, so that's why he's building the wall? The rumor spreads in an instant. What is this? It's blackmail. They're threatening to expose this as if it were the real purpose of the wall Nehemiah is building. And in verse 7, it says, "And you have even appointed prophets to make this proclamation about you in Jerusalem: 'There is a king in Judah!' Now this report will get back to the king; so come, let us meet together."


They blackmail and threaten in the front, but what do they say behind? They speak as if they're worried. Hey, what if this gets to the king? And what's the conclusion? "So come." Right? The conclusion is "Come." As if they're worried and they'll solve it. "Let's confer together," they say. They've already intentionally spread rumors to people, and now they're saying come if you don't want this rumor to reach the king's ears. The conclusion is the same as the previous four times. But is this a real invitation? What happens if you go there? The rumor becomes true. What happens if you don't go? The rumor has already spread. Every passerby is saying, "Oh, I heard this wall is being built for Judah's rebellion?"


This is where the enemy's real hidden intention lies. Nehemiah 6:9 says, "They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, 'Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.'" If such rumors spread, won't the people building the wall become anxious? What if this becomes true like the fake rumor? What if we're in big trouble after hanging the gates? They become afraid. Now they can't just ignore the situation. So what does Nehemiah do? He remembers God. And he prays to God. Verse 9 continues, "But I prayed, 'Now strengthen my hands.'" When the enemy attacked them with public opinion warfare, Nehemiah did not fear but remembered God and prayed to Him. We must not fear the attacks of the enemy but remember God.

대적의 공격 세번째, 내부의 적입니다.

10절을 보니 스마야가 두문불출 합니다. 스마야의 가문을 자세히 언급하고 스마야가 성전으로 함께 가자라고 말하는 문맥을 볼 때 스마야는 아마도 성직자이거나 선지자가 아닐까 예상해봅니다. 영향력이 있는 사람이었을 것이에요. 그런 그가 두문불출을 하자 느헤미야가 그를 찾아갑니다. 그러자 느헤미야에게 스마야가 예언을 합니다. 본문에는 이르기를 이라고 되어있지만 원문을 보면 스마야가 하는 말은 예언체로 되어있어요. 그냥 전하는 말이 아니에요. 하나님의 예언인 것입니다. 그 예언이 무엇이었습니까? 암살의 위협이 있으니 성전 안 성소에 들어가 문을 닫고 있자 암살자는 반드시 온다. 여러분 이 예언을 들으면 어떤 감정이 첫번째로 듭니까? 두렵죠. 믿을만한 사람이 하나님의 예언이라며 암살자가 너를 반드시 죽이러 온다는데 두렵지 않으시겠습니까? 만약 여기서 느헤미야가 두려움에 휩싸였다면 분별력을 잃어버렸을지도 모릅니다. 왜냐하면 이건 성 밖으로 나가는 것도 아니에요. 안전한 성 안의 성전 안에 숨는 것입니다. 다만 딱 한가지 걸리는 점이 있다면 성전 안 성소에는 제사장만이 들어갈 수 있는데 지금 그게 중요한가요 목숨이 걸린 일인데. 그러나 느헤미야는 11절에 보니 이렇게 이야기합니다 “나같은 자가.. 나같은 몸이면 누가 외소에 들어가서 생명을 보존하겠느냐 나는 들어가지 않겠노라." 그는 하나님의 율법을 기억했습니다. 이것이 진정 하나님의 예언이라면 하나님의 말씀인 율법과 어긋나지 않는다는 것을 그는 기억했던 것입니다. 12절에보니 “깨달은즉 그는 하나님께서 보내신 바가 아니라.” 대적들은 그로 하여금 13절 “두렵게하고, 범죄하게 하고, 악한 말을 지어 비방하려”하였지만 그는 두려워하지않고 하나님을 기억하여 대적들의 계략을 간파하고 승리할 수 있었습니다.

The third attack of the enemy: The enemy within.

In Nehemiah 6:10, we see that Shemaiah is in seclusion: "One day I went to the house of Shemaiah son of Delaiah, the son of Mehetabel, who was shut in at his home." Given the detailed mention of Shemaiah's family and the context of Shemaiah suggesting to go together to the temple, we can guess that Shemaiah was probably a priest or a prophet. He must have been an influential person. When such a person goes into seclusion, Nehemiah goes to visit him. Then Shemaiah prophesies to Nehemiah. The text says "he said," but in the original text, Shemaiah's words are in prophetic form. It's not just a message being delivered. It's a prophecy from God.


What was the prophecy? "Let us meet in the house of God, inside the temple, and let us close the temple doors, because men are coming to kill you—by night they are coming to kill you." There's a threat of assassination, so let's go into the sanctuary of the temple and close the doors; the assassin will surely come. What's the first emotion you feel when you hear this prophecy? Fear, right? Wouldn't you be afraid if a trustworthy person prophesies in the name of God that an assassin will surely come to kill you? If Nehemiah had been overwhelmed with fear here, he might have lost his discernment. Because this is not about going outside the city. It's about hiding in the sanctuary inside the safe city. There's just one catch - only priests can enter the sanctuary of the temple, but is that important when your life is at stake?


However, Nehemiah says in verse 11, "But I said, 'Should a man like me run away? Or should someone like me go into the temple to save his life? I will not go!'" He remembered God's law. He remembered that if this were truly God's prophecy, it would not contradict God's word, the law. Verse 12 says, "I realized that God had not sent him, but that he had prophesied against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him." The enemies wanted to "frighten him and make him sin" and "give them a bad name in order to discredit him" (verse 13), but he was not afraid, remembered God, saw through the enemies' schemes, and was able to win.

말씀을 맺습니다. 하나님의 일이 완성되어져갈 때, 대적들은 마지막 발악을 합니다. 그것도 모든 방법을 총 동원하여 끈질기게 여러분을 공격할 것입니다. 그러나 그들은 여러분들에게 위해를 가할 수 없습니다. 모든 왕중의 왕이신 하나님의 사명을 이루시는 여러분들이시기에 대적은 그저 위협과 거짓된 속임수만 할 수 있는 것입니다. 그들이 원하는 것이 무엇입니까? 여러분으로 하여금 두렵게하고 이렇게 함으로 하나님께 범죄하게 하고, 비방하여 수치를 당하게하고, 결국 하나님의 일을 완성시키지 못하게 하는 것입니다. 오늘 말씀에 느헤미야가 행하였던 것 처럼. 우리는 대적을 상대할 것이 아니라 하나님을 기억해야합니다. 대적의 공격을 두려워 할 것이 아니라 크고 두려우신 하나님을 기억해야 하는 것입니다. 대적의 공격에 우리가 할 수 있는 최선의 방책은 바로 하나님을 기억하는 것입니다. 성도여러분 대적의 공격을 두려워하지 말고 하나님을 기억하십시오.


Let's conclude the message. When God's work is nearing completion, the enemies make their last struggle. They will attack you persistently using all methods at their disposal. But they cannot harm you. Because you are fulfilling the mission of God, the King of all kings, the enemy can only threaten and deceive. What do they want? They want to make you afraid, and by doing so, make you sin against God, bring shame upon you through slander, and ultimately prevent you from completing God's work.


As Nehemiah did in today's scripture, we should not deal with the enemy but remember God. We should not fear the attacks of the enemy but remember the great and awesome God. The best strategy we can have against the enemy's attacks is to remember God. Brothers and sisters, do not fear the attacks of the enemy, but remember God.


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