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20240911 [새벽묵상] 하나님이 이루신 일을 보라, 그러나 경계는 늦추지 말라 | See What God Accomplishes and Stay Vigilant (느/Neh 6:15-7:4)

6:15 성벽 역사가 오십이 일 만인 엘룰월 이십오일에 끝나매

15 So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.

6:16 우리의 모든 대적과 주위에 있는 이방 족속들이 이를 듣고 다 두려워하여 크게 낙담하였으니 그들이 우리 하나님께서 이 역사를 이루신 것을 앎이니라

[Opposition to the Completed Wall]

16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.

6:17 또한 그 때에 유다의 귀족들이 여러 번 도비야에게 편지하였고 도비야의 편지도 그들에게 이르렀으니

6:18 도비야는 아라의 아들 스가냐의 사위가 되었고 도비야의 아들 여호하난도 베레갸의 아들 므술람의 딸을 아내로 맞이하였으므로 유다에서 그와 동맹한 자가 많음이라

6:19 그들이 도비야의 선행을 내 앞에 말하고 또 내 말도 그에게 전하매 도비야가 내게 편지하여 나를 두렵게 하고자 하였느니라

17 Also, in those days the nobles of Judah were sending many letters to Tobiah, and replies from Tobiah kept coming to them. 18 For many in Judah were under oath to him, since he was son-in-law to Shekaniah son of Arah, and his son Jehohanan had married the daughter of Meshullam son of Berekiah. 19 Moreover, they kept reporting to me his good deeds and then telling him what I said. And Tobiah sent letters to intimidate me.

7:1 성벽이 건축되매 문짝을 달고 문지기와 노래하는 자들과 레위 사람들을 세운 후에

7:2 내 아우 하나니와 영문의 관원 하나냐가 함께 예루살렘을 다스리게 하였는데 하나냐는 충성스러운 사람이요 하나님을 경외함이 무리 중에서 뛰어난 자라

7:3 내가 그들에게 이르기를 해가 높이 뜨기 전에는 예루살렘 성문을 열지 말고 아직 파수할 때에 곧 문을 닫고 빗장을 지르며 또 예루살렘 주민이 각각 자기가 지키는 곳에서 파수하되 자기 집 맞은편을 지키게 하라 하였노니

1 After the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers, the musicians and the Levites were appointed. 2 I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most people do. 3 I said to them, “The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own houses.”

7:4 그 성읍은 광대하고 그 주민은 적으며 가옥은 미처 건축하지 못하였음이니라

[The List of the Exiles Who Returned]

4 Now the city was large and spacious, but there were few people in it, and the houses had not yet been rebuilt.


여러분 오늘의 본문 말씀은 하나님에 대해 어떻게 이야기하고 있습니까? 또 사람에 대해, 인간에 대해서는 뭐라고 말씀하고 계십니까? 오늘 본문의 말씀은 드디어 성벽 공사가 다 완성되었다고 이야기합니다. 아마도 이번 9월부터 꾸준히 말씀묵상을 하신 여러분들이라면 감회가 남다르실 것 같습니다. 느헤미야와 함께 이 여정을 시작하여 유다 백성들이 안과 밖의 수많은 고난과 역경을 이겨내는 것을 보셨습니다. 하나님이 맡겨주신 성벽공사의 사명이 드디어 오늘 완수되었습니다. 말씀으로만 이 일들을 접했던 저희도 이렇게 기쁜데 느헤미야와 유다 백성들은 어떠했을까요? 자 이제 축하도 좀 하고 그동안 참아왔던 음주가무도 좀 즐겨야 하지 않겠습니까? 아 이제 끝났잖아요. 그러나 오늘의 말씀은 축제에 대해 이야기 하지 않습니다. 오히려 그들은 축제는 커녕 더욱 더 방어를 공고히 합니다. 성벽의 공사는 끝났을지라도 그들의 경계는 끝나지 않습니다. 하나님께서 이 일을 이루신 것을 이방사람들도 알만큼 위대한 업적이었지만 그들은 마음을 풀지 않고 단단하게 지킵니다. 오늘의 말씀은 이것입니다. 우리가 하나님의 일을 완수 할 때 우리는 하나님이 이루신 일을 보게 될 것입니다. 그러나 우리는 그 때에도 경계를 늦추어서는 안되는 것입니다.

What does today's scripture say about God? And what does it say about people, about humans? Today's scripture tells us that the wall construction was finally completed. For those of you who have been consistently meditating on the Word since September, this might feel particularly significant. You have witnessed, along with Nehemiah, the people of Judah overcoming numerous internal and external hardships and adversities. The mission of wall construction entrusted by God has finally been accomplished today. If we, who have only encountered these events through the Word, feel this joyful, how must Nehemiah and the people of Judah have felt? Shouldn't we celebrate a bit now and enjoy some drinking and dancing that we've been holding back on? After all, it's over now. However, today's scripture doesn't talk about celebration. Rather, they strengthen their defenses even more, far from celebrating. Although the wall construction is finished, their vigilance doesn't end. Even though it was such a great achievement that even the foreigners recognized that God had accomplished this work, they don't let their guard down and keep it firmly. Today's message is this: When we complete God's work, we will see what God has accomplished. However, even then, we must not let our guard down.

오늘의 말씀 그 첫번째 우리에게 주어진 임무를 끝까지 완수할 때, 하나님이 이루시는 일을 보게 될 것입니다. 15절 말씀에 보니 “성 역사가 52일만에 엘룰월 25일에 끝나매”라고 합니다. 실로 놀라운 일이 아닐 수 없습니다. 예루살렘 전체 성벽을 보수하는데 52일 밖에 걸리지 않았다고 합니다. 혹시 예전의 설교를 들으신 분이라면 아실 것 입니다. 성의 북쪽과 서쪽은 기존에 있던 성벽을 보수하느라 시간이 짧게 걸렸다고 하더라도 동쪽 성벽은 방어를 위해 더 높은 곳에 더 높게 새로 지었던 것을 기억하실 것입니다. 비록 이전 성벽보다 안쪽으로 짧은 거리로 지었다고 할지라도 이 모든 역사가 단 52일 만에 끝났다는 것은 실로 기적이 아닐 수 없습니다. 1세기 경에 활동하였던 유대 역사가 요세푸스는 이 일을 믿지 못하여 이 공사가 적어도 2년 4개월은 걸렸을 것이라고 주장한 바 있을 정도입니다. 이것이 무엇입니까? 바로 하나님께서 하신 일이지요. 16절 말씀입니다. “우리의 모든 대적과 주위에 있는 이방 족속들이 이를 듣고 다 두려워하여 크게 낙담하였으니 그들이 우리 하나님께서 이 역사를 이루신 것을 앎이니라.” 심지어 모든 대적과 주위에 있는 이방 족속들 마저도 하나님께서 하신 일임을 알았다고 합니다. 그리고 하나님께서 당신의 일을 이루실 때 이제는 대적들이 두려워하며 스스로 낙담하는 것입니다. 두려움과 낙담 이것이 무엇입니까? 대적이 그토록 우리에게 심어주려고 노력했던 것들이 아닙니까? 온갖 위협과 계략과 거짓을 통하여 우리에게 두려움을 주고 낙담하게 하여 사명을 멈추게 하고자 하였는데 하나님의 일을 이루었더니 오히려 역으로 그들 자신이 두려움에 휩싸이고 크게 낙담하게 되었다고 합니다. 이것이 바로 하나님의 일인 것입니다. 여러분. 우리가 우리에게 주어진 임무를 끝까지 완수할 때 하나님이 이루시는 일을 보게 될 것입니다. 그리고 그것은 우리의 대적으로 하여금 두렵게 하고, 낙담하게 하는 일인 것입니다.

The first point of today's message: When we complete the task given to us to the end, we will see what God accomplishes. Verse 15 says, "So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days." This is truly remarkable. It says it took only 52 days to repair the entire wall of Jerusalem. Those who have heard previous sermons might remember. Even though it took less time to repair the existing walls on the north and west sides of the city, you'll remember that the eastern wall was built higher and in a higher place for defense. Although it was built at a shorter distance inside the previous wall, the fact that all this work was completed in just 52 days is nothing short of a miracle. Josephus, a Jewish historian active in the 1st century, couldn't believe this and argued that this construction must have taken at least 2 years and 4 months. What is this? It's God's work. Verse 16 says, "When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God." Even all the enemies and surrounding foreign nations recognized that God had done this work. And when God accomplishes His work, now the enemies become afraid and lose heart themselves. What are fear and discouragement? Aren't these what the enemy tried so hard to instill in us? Through all kinds of threats, schemes, and lies, they tried to give us fear and discourage us to stop our mission, but when God's work was accomplished, on the contrary, they themselves were engulfed in fear and greatly discouraged. This is God's work. Everyone, when we complete the task given to us to the end, we will see what God accomplishes. And that is what makes our enemies fearful and discouraged.

오늘의 말씀 그 두번째, 그러나 경계는 늦추지 말아야 합니다. 우리는 하나님의 일을 완수할 때 하나님께서 하시는 일의 영광을 보게 됩니다. 이것은 우리의 대적으로 하여금 두려움을 주고 크게 낙담하게 하지만 그것이 꼭 그들이 이제는 더 이상 우리를 공격하지 않는다는 뜻은 아닙니다. 그들은 우리의 틈을 항상 노립니다. 베드로전서 8:8에도 “근신하라 깨어라 너희 대적 마귀가 우는 사자같이 두루 다니며 삼킬 자를 찾나니”라고 하지 않습니까? 바로 그렇기 때문에 느헤미야는 경계를 늦추지 않습니다. 먼저는 제대로된 리더를 세웁니다. 자신이 진정 믿을 수 있는 사람. 이 모든 일의 시작이 되는, 가장 처음에 자신에게 성벽이 무너졌다는 얘기를 전한 자신의 아우 하나니를 세웁니다. 그리고 충성스럽고 하나님을 경외함이 무리 중에서  뛰어난 하나냐를 세워 예루살렘을 다스리도록 합니다. 그뿐만이 아닙니다. 그들에게 신신 당부하며 말합니다. 7:3입니다. “해가 높이 뜨기 전에는 예루살렘 성문을 열지 말고 아직 파수할 때에 곧 문을 닫고 빗장을 지르며 또 예루살렘 주민이 각각 자기가 지키는 곳에서 파수하되 자기 집 맞은편을 지키게 하라 하였노니.” 아주 상세한 지시입니다. 성문을 걸어 잠그고 굳건한 방어태세를 갖추고 예루살렘 주민 각자가 가장 잘 방어할 수 있도록 자기집 맞은편을 지키도록 일일이 지시합니다. 경계를 늦추지 않습니다.

The second point of today's message: However, we must not let our guard down. When we complete God's work, we see the glory of what God does. This gives fear to our enemies and greatly discourages them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't attack us anymore. They always look for our weak points. Doesn't 1 Peter 5:8 say, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour"? That's exactly why Nehemiah doesn't let his guard down. First, he appoints proper leaders. Someone he can truly trust. He appoints his brother Hanani, who was the very first to tell him about the fallen wall, the beginning of all this. And he appoints Hananiah, who is faithful and fears God more than most, to govern Jerusalem. But that's not all. He earnestly instructs them. Verse 3 says, "He said to them, 'The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own houses.'" It's very detailed instruction. He instructs them to lock the gates, maintain a strong defensive posture, and have each resident of Jerusalem guard the area opposite their own house where they can defend best. He doesn't let his guard down.

여러분 군대에 가면 반드시 하는 것이 있는데요 그것은 경계근무를 서는 것입니다. 그것이 불침번이 되었던 위병소를 지키던 군인된 자에게 경계근무란 피할 수 없는 의무입니다. 군대에서 경계 관련 교육훈련을 하거나 경계 근무 투입 전 정신교육을 할 때 꼭 하는 말이 있지요. “작전에 실패한 장수는 용서할 수 있어도 경계에 실패한 장수는 용서할 수 없다.” 그만큼 경계는 중요한 것입니다. 경계를 하는 명확한 이유는 적에게 기습을 당하지 않기 위함입니다. 기습을 당하면 피해가 배가되며, 자칫 지휘관이 사망하거나 중요한 무기 또는 물자가 파괴되어 작전 중지가 불가피해집니다. 또한 기습을 당한 부대는 심리적으로 마비되고 사기가 떨어집니다. 그래서 미군 야전교범에도 “결코 적에게 기습을 허용해서는 안된다”고 강조하고 있는 것입니다.

In the military, there's something you must always do, which is to guard duty. Whether it's night watch or guarding a sentry post, guard duty is an unavoidable obligation for a soldier. When giving security-related training in the military or mental preparation before guard duty deployment, there's always a saying: "A general who fails in operation can be forgiven, but a general who fails in vigilance cannot be forgiven." That's how important vigilance is. The clear reason for keeping watch is to prevent surprise attacks from the enemy. If surprised, the damage is doubled, and if the commander is killed or important weapons or supplies are destroyed, it becomes inevitable to stop operations. Also, a unit that has been ambushed becomes psychologically paralyzed and morale drops. That's why even the US Army Field Manual emphasizes, "You must never allow the enemy to ambush you."

그렇다면 경계를 늦추면 어떻게 되는 것일까요? 바로 그 예가 오늘 말씀 17절에 있습니다. 시작이 이렇습니다. “또한 그때에” 언제입니까? 바로 대적들이 다 두려워하여 크게 낙담하였을 때. 하나님께서 이 역사를 이루신 것을 알게 되어 대적들이 이제 모든 것이 수포로 돌아가는가 하며 절망하는 바로 그 때에 무슨 일이 일어납니까? “유다의 귀족들이 여러 번 도비야에게 편지하였고.” 아니 이게 대체 무슨 말입니까? 유다의 귀족들이 먼저 대적에게 편지하였다고 합니다. 경계를 합니까 안 합니까? 안하지요. 오히려 18절에 보니 이렇게 말씀하고 계십니다. “유다에서 그와 동맹한 자가 많음이라.” 정말 미치고 팔짝 뛸 노릇입니다. 경계를 늦추는 것도 모자라 대적과 동맹을 한다니요. 대적이 두려워하고 크게 낙담하려는데 이들은 바로 그때 대적에게 살 길을 열어주는 짓을 하고 있는 것입니다. 그들은 도비야를 경계하지 않았습니다. 오히려 19절에 보니 “그들이 도비야의 선행을 내 앞에 말하고” 라고 합니다. 그들은 도비야를 경계해야 할 대적이라고 인식조차 하지 못하고 있는 것입니다. 바로 그렇게 경계를 늦추는 이들을 통하여 대적은 무엇을 합니까? 19절 “내게 편지하여 나를 두렵게 하고자 하였느니라.” 기습하여 지휘관을 뒤흔들려고 하고 있는 것입니다. 경계에 실패하면 앞에서의 모든 성과가 물거품이 되는 것입니다. 오히려 더욱 크게 이루었을 때가 더욱 경계에 힘써야 할 때인것입니다.  

So what happens if we let our guard down? The example is right in verse 17 of today's scripture. It starts like this: "Also, in those days-" When? Right when the enemies were all afraid and greatly discouraged. Right when the enemies were despairing, thinking everything had come to nothing as they realized God had accomplished this work, what happens? "the nobles of Judah were sending many letters to Tobiah." What on earth does this mean? It says the nobles of Judah first sent letters to the enemy. Are they keeping watch or not? They're not. Rather, verse 18 says, "For many in Judah were under oath to him." This is really infuriating. Not only do they let their guard down, but they also ally with the enemy. While the enemy is about to be afraid and greatly discouraged, they are doing things that open a way of survival for the enemy at that very moment. They didn't guard against Tobiah. Rather, verse 19 says, "they kept reporting to me about his good deeds." They don't even recognize Tobiah as an enemy they should be guarding against. What does the enemy do through those who let their guard down like this? Verse 19 continues, "And Tobiah sent letters to intimidate me." He's trying to surprise attack and shake the commander. If you fail in vigilance, all the achievements from before become bubbles. The time when you've achieved even greater things is when you need to put more effort into vigilance.

말씀을 맺습니다. 오늘 말씀을 통해 우리는 우리가 하나님께서 맡기신 일을 이루었을 때, 그 일을 통하여 하나님께서 이루시는 것들을 볼 수 있게 된다는 것을 알았습니다. 모든 이가 하나님이 그 일을 이루셨음을 알게되고 대적들은 두려워하며 크게 낙담하게 되는 것입니다. 그러나 바로 그 때에 우리는 경계를 늦추어서는 안됩니다. 그 때에도 대적들은 기습의 틈을 노리고 있기 때문입니다. 여러분 하나님께서 이루시는 일들을 보십시오. 그러나 경계는 늦추지 마셔야 합니다.


To conclude the message. Through today's scripture, we learned that when we accomplish what God has entrusted to us, we can see what God accomplishes through that work. Everyone recognizes that God has accomplished that work, and the enemies become afraid and greatly discouraged. However, even at that time, we must not let our guard down. Because even then, the enemies are looking for a chance to surprise attack. Everyone, see what God accomplishes. But stay vigilant."


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