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20241015 [새벽묵상] 세상의 성공을 위해 살지 말고 하나님과의 첫 만남을 기억하라 | From Worldly Success to Divine Purpose: God's Call to Remember (호/Hos 11:12~12:14)

11:12 에브라임은 거짓으로, 이스라엘 족속은 속임수로 나를 에워쌌으나 유다는 여전히 하나님과 거룩하고 신실한 자들에 대하여 정함이 없도다

[Israel’s Sin]

12 Ephraim has surrounded me with lies,

    Israel with deceit.

And Judah is unruly against God,

    even against the faithful Holy One.

12:1 에브라임은 바람을 먹이며 동풍을 따라가서 종일토록 거짓과 포학을 더하여 앗수르와 계약을 맺고 기름을 애굽에 보내도다

12:2 여호와께서 유다와 논쟁하시고 야곱을 그 행실대로 벌하시며 그의 행위대로 그에게 보응하시리라

12:3 야곱은 모태에서 그의 형의 발뒤꿈치를 잡았고 또 힘으로는 하나님과 겨루되

12:4 천사와 겨루어 이기고 울며 그에게 간구하였으며 하나님은 벧엘에서 그를 만나셨고 거기에서 우리에게 말씀하셨나니

12:5 여호와는 만군의 하나님이시라 여호와는 그를 기억하게 하는 이름이니라

12:6 그런즉 너의 하나님께로 돌아와서 인애와 정의를 지키며 항상 너의 하나님을 바랄지니라

1 Ephraim feeds on the wind;

    he pursues the east wind all day

    and multiplies lies and violence.

He makes a treaty with Assyria

    and sends olive oil to Egypt.

2 The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah;

    he will punish Jacob[b] according to his ways

    and repay him according to his deeds.

3 In the womb he grasped his brother’s heel;

    as a man he struggled with God.

4 He struggled with the angel and overcame him;

    he wept and begged for his favor.

He found him at Bethel

    and talked with him there—

5 the Lord God Almighty,

    the Lord is his name!

6 But you must return to your God;

    maintain love and justice,

    and wait for your God always.

12:7 그는 상인이라 손에 거짓 저울을 가지고 속이기를 좋아하는도다

12:8 에브라임이 말하기를 나는 실로 부자라 내가 재물을 얻었는데 내가 수고한 모든 것 중에서 죄라 할 만한 불의를 내게서 찾아 낼 자 없으리라 하거니와

7 The merchant uses dishonest scales

    and loves to defraud.

8 Ephraim boasts,

    “I am very rich; I have become wealthy.

With all my wealth they will not find in me

    any iniquity or sin.”

12:9 네가 애굽 땅에 있을 때부터 나는 네 하나님 여호와니라 내가 너로 다시 장막에 거주하게 하기를 명절날에 하던 것 같게 하리라

12:10 내가 여러 선지자에게 말하였고 이상을 많이 보였으며 선지자들을 통하여 비유를 베풀었노라

9 “I have been the Lord your God

    ever since you came out of Egypt;

I will make you live in tents again,

    as in the days of your appointed festivals.

10 I spoke to the prophets,

    gave them many visions

    and told parables through them.”

12:11 길르앗은 불의한 것이냐 과연 그러하다 그들은 거짓되도다 길갈에서는 무리가 수송아지로 제사를 드리며 그 제단은 밭이랑에 쌓인 돌무더기 같도다

12:12 야곱이 아람의 들로 도망하였으며 이스라엘이 아내를 얻기 위하여 사람을 섬기며 아내를 얻기 위하여 양을 쳤고

12:13 여호와께서는 한 선지자로 이스라엘을 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨고 이스라엘이 한 선지자로 보호받았거늘

12:14 에브라임이 격노하게 함이 극심하였으니 그의 주에서 그의 피로 그의 위에 머물러 있게 하시며 그의 수치를 그에게 돌리시리라

11 Is Gilead wicked?

    Its people are worthless!

Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal?

    Their altars will be like piles of stones

    on a plowed field.

12 Jacob fled to the country of Aram;

    Israel served to get a wife,

    and to pay for her he tended sheep.

13 The Lord used a prophet to bring Israel up from Egypt,

    by a prophet he cared for him.

14 But Ephraim has aroused his bitter anger;

    his Lord will leave on him the guilt of his bloodshed

    and will repay him for his contempt.


                  여러분, 여러분께서는 어떻게 하나님을 영접하게 되셨나요? 저는 모태신앙이다보니 제 아내처럼 원래 신앙이 없다가 신앙을 갖게 된 사람들이 참 신기합니다. 그분들은 뭔가 어떤 순간이 있잖아요? 예를 들면 제 친구 이야기처럼 말이지요. 제 친구는 원래 온 가족이 불교였는데 어느날 갑자기 한 친구가 같이 교회 수련회 가자고 꼭두새벽에 집 문을 두드리더랍니다. 근데 또 신기한게 부모님이 저렇게까지 하는데 그냥 같이 가주라고 그랬대요. 그래서 수련회에 따라갔다가 거기서 갑자기 하나님이 믿어지고 그래서 하나님을 영접하게 되고 그리고 지금은 목사가 되서 열심히 사역을 하고 있어요. 여러분은 어떠신가요? 하나님을 처음 경험했던 그 순간 기억하시나요? 하나님께서 여러분의 마음을 만지셨던 그 경험. 그것이 어떤 감동이든, 환상이든, 꿈이든, 음성이든. 하나님께서는 각 사람이 다른만큼 정말 다양하게 우리에게 임하시지요. 여러분 오늘 말씀은 하나님께서 바로 그 첫 마음. 하나님과 만났던 그 첫 만남을 우리에게 기억하라고 하시는 것 같습니다. 저도 마찬가지이지만 하나님과 만났던 그 첫 기억이 어느새 시간이 흐를수록 점점 옅어지고 우리에게 세상이 점점 더 짙어지는 경험을 하게 됩니다. 그리고 어느덧 세상의 법칙을 따라 살고 있는 우리를 보게 될 때가 많은 것 같습니다.

Brothers and sisters, how did you come to accept God? As someone born into a Christian family, I find it fascinating when people like my wife come to faith from a non-religious background. They often have a specific moment, don't they? For example, let me tell you about my friend. His whole family was originally Buddhist, but one day, a friend suddenly knocked on his door at dawn, asking him to come to a church retreat. Surprisingly, his parents told him to go along since his friend had gone to such lengths. He went to the retreat, and there, he suddenly felt he could believe in God. He accepted God, and now he's a pastor, passionately serving in ministry. What about you? Do you remember the moment you first experienced God? That experience when God touched your heart. Whether it was a profound emotion, a vision, a dream, or a voice. God approaches each of us in diverse ways, as unique as we are.

본문의 이스라엘 백성도 마찬가지였습니다. 이들은 세상에 푹 절여져있었던 것 같습니다. 이들은 세상에서 말하는 처세에 아주 능숙하고 성공을 위해서라면 적당히 타협할 줄도 아는 그런 사람들이었지요. 보세요 1절에 보니 “앗수르와 계약을 맺고 기름을 애굽으로 보내도다” 라고 하지 않습니까? 앞에서는 앗수르와 주종관계를 맺고 뒤로는 애굽과도 동맹을 맺어서 여차하면 앗수르 등에 칼을 꽂으려고 했어요. 앗시리아 제국과 이집트라는 슈퍼파워 사이에서 살아 남으려면 적당히 이정도 처세는 해야하지 않겠습니까? 플랜 B, 중요하잖아요? 이들은 상업적으로도 아주 성공적이었습니다. 8절에보니 “에브라임이 말하기를 나는 실로 부자라 내가 재물을 얻었는데 내가 수고한 모든 것 중에서 죄라 할 만한 불의를 내게서 찾아낼 자 없으리라 하거니와”라고 하지 않습니까? 그당시에 부유함은 하나님의 축복이라고 생각했어요. 그러면 자기 입으로 나 진짜 부자야 라고 할 만큼 부유한 사람들은 스스로를 의인이라고 생각하지 않았겠습니까? 하나님이 나를 이렇게 축복해 주셨는데, 그렇잖아요? 아니 뭐 막말로 적당히 다른사람 등쳐먹었다고해도, 아, 이만큼 축복 받을 정도면 뭐 하나님도 눈감아 주시는건데 그걸 가지고 죄라고 할만큼 나쁜짓을 한건 아니잖아? 아 털어서 먼지 안나는 사람 어디있어요? 안그래요?

Today's message seems to be about God asking us to remember that first heart, that first encounter with Him. Like many of us, I find that as time passes, the memory of our first encounter with God gradually fades, and the world becomes more prominent in our lives. Before we know it, we often find ourselves living according to the world's rules.


The people of Israel in our passage were the same. They seemed to be deeply immersed in the ways of the world. They were skilled in worldly wisdom and knew how to compromise for success. Look at verse 1: "Ephraim makes treaties with Assyria and sends olive oil to Egypt" (Hosea 12:1 NIV). They made alliances with Assyria on one side and Egypt on the other, ready to stab Assyria in the back if necessary. To survive between the superpowers of the Assyrian Empire and Egypt, wouldn't you need to be this politically savvy? Having a Plan B is important, right? They were also commercially successful. Verse 8 says, "Ephraim boasts, 'I am very rich; I have become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in me any iniquity or sin.'" (Hosea 12:8 NIV). At that time, wealth was considered a blessing from God. Wouldn't people who could call themselves truly rich consider themselves righteous? If God has blessed me so much, right? Even if I've taken advantage of others a bit, well, if I'm blessed this much, surely God is turning a blind eye. It's not like I've done anything so bad that it could be called a sin, right? Who's perfect, anyway?

그런데 11장 12절에 보니 하나님께서는 그들이 거짓과 속임수로 하나님을 에워쌌다고 합니다. 1절에보니 종일토록 거짓과 포학을 더한다고 하십니다. 7절에 보니 거짓저울을 가지고 속이기를 좋아한다고 하십니다. 11절에보니 불의하고 거짓되다고 하십니다. 그런 이들을 하나님께서는 재판에 회부하십니다. 2절입니다. “여호와께서 유다와 논쟁하시고,” 즉 유다를 기소하십니다. 하나님이 검찰이 되셔서 유다가 지은 형사사건에 대해 법원에 심판을 요구하시는 것입니다. 그리고는 그 행실대로 그의 행위대로 벌을 내리시겠다고 하십니다. 이들에 대한 판결이 14절에 있습니다. “에브라임이 격노하게 함이 극심하였으니 그의 주께서 그의 피로 그의 위에 머물러 있게하시며 그의 수치를 그에게 돌리시리라.” 이스라엘 백성이 하나님을 격노하게 하여 그들이 지은 죄가 마치 살인과 같이 피 값을 치뤄야 하는 죄 즉 죽음으로 갚아야하는 죄라고 판결을 하십니다.

But in chapter 11 verse 12, God says they have surrounded Him with lies and deceit. Verse 1 says they practice deceit and violence all day long. Verse 7 says they love to defraud with false balances. Verse 11 says they are deceitful and unfaithful. God brings these people to trial. Verse 2 says, "The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah" (Hosea 12:2 NIV). God becomes the prosecutor, demanding judgment in court for Judah's crimes. And He says He will punish them according to their conduct and deeds. The verdict against them is in verse 14: "Ephraim has aroused his bitter anger; his Lord will leave on him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt" (Hosea 12:14 NIV). God judges that the sins of the Israelites have angered Him so much that their sins are like murder, requiring blood payment - a sin that must be paid for with death.

그들이 범한 죄가 무엇이기에 이토록 하나님을 격노케 한 것일까요? 11절에보니 그것은 불의와 우상숭배였습니다. 그것은 모두 윤택한 삶을 추구하기 위해 했던 일이었습니다. 거짓 저울로 사람들을 속이는 불의를 행하고 풍작을 얻기 위해 우상숭배를 하였습니다. 오죽하면 하나님께서 7절에 “그는 상인이다”라고 하십니다. 여기서 상인이라는 단어는 원문으로 “가나안” 이라고 읽히는 언어 유희를 통해 이들이 하나님께서 심판하셨던 가나안 사람과 다를바 없다고 말씀하고 계시는 것입니다. 그래서 9절에 보니 “내가 너로 다시 장막에 거주하게 하리라”고 하십니다. 바로 전 8절에서 자신의 부유함을 자랑하고 있었는데 9절에서 그 부유함 다 털어가시겠다고 하는거에요. 그리고 10절에서 내가 이미 여러 선지자를 통해서 여러번 경고하셨다고 말씀하시는 것입니다.

What sin did they commit that angered God so much? Verse 11 shows it was injustice and idolatry. They did all this in pursuit of a prosperous life. They practiced injustice by cheating people with false scales and engaged in idolatry to ensure good harvests. God even calls them "merchants" in verse 7. The word "merchant" here is a wordplay on "Canaan" in the original language, suggesting that they are no different from the Canaanites whom God had judged. That's why in verse 9, He says, "I will make you live in tents again" (Hosea 12:9 NIV). Right after they boast of their wealth in verse 8, God says in verse 9 that He will strip away all that wealth. And in verse 10, He says He has already warned them many times through various prophets.

                  그런데요. 오늘 말씀이 하나님의 기소와 판결만이 있는 것은 아닙니다. 2절에서 하나님께서 유다를 기소하시면서 뜬금없이 이스라엘을 야곱이라고 부르십니다. 그리고는 갑자기 야곱 이야기를 하기 시작하세요. 우리 야곱이야기 잘 아시지 않습니까? 그런데 그 야곱의 많고 많은 이야기중에 오늘 말씀은 야곱이 하나님과 어떻게 만났는지 그가 어떻게 하나님과 씨름했는지에 대해서 말씀하십니다. 야곱이 하나님과 씨름을 했을 때가 언제입니까? 자신이 등쳐먹은 형 에서에게 되돌아가야 하는 때였습니다. 야곱이 너무 겁이 나서 자기 아내와 자식들 다 먼저 보내고 혼자 남았을 때였습니다. 그때에 그는 천사와 씨름하고 오늘 말씀에보니 “울며 그에게 간구하였으며 하나님은 벧엘에서 그를 만나셨다”고 합니다. 그리고는 “거기에서 우리에게 말씀하셨나니 여호와는 만군의 하나님이시라 여호와는 그를 기억하게 하는 이름이니라 그런즉 너의 하나님께로 돌아와서 인애와 정의를 지키며 항상 너의 하나님을 바랄지니라” 라고 말씀하십니다. 세상의 성공을 위해 윤택한 삶을 위해 불의와 우상숭배를 일삼던 그들에게 하나님께서는 다시 한번 나를 기억하라고 하십니다. 내가 너와 처음 만났던 그 때를 기억하라고 하십니다. 우리가 너무 힘들고 어려워서 간절하게 하나님께 울면서 간구하였던 그 때를 기억하라고 하십니다. 바로 그것이 세상으로 물들어가는 우리의 마음을 하나님께로 되돌릴 수 있는 방법인 것입니다. 하나님께서 이스라엘 백성들을 기소하시고 판결을 내리시는 모습을 보여주시지만 우리는 그것이 하나님께서 원하시는 것이 아님을 호세아서를 통하여 너무나도 잘 알고 있습니다. 하나님께서 진정으로 바라시는 것은 그들이 하나님께로 돌아와서 인애와 정의를 지키며 항상 그들의 하나님을 바라는 것입니다.

But today's message isn't just about God's indictment and judgment. In verse 2, while indicting Judah, God suddenly calls Israel "Jacob." And then He starts talking about Jacob's story. We all know Jacob's story well, don't we? But of all Jacob's many stories, today's message focuses on how Jacob met God and how he wrestled with God. When did Jacob wrestle with God? It was when he had to return to his brother Esau, whom he had cheated. It was when Jacob was so afraid that he sent his wives and children ahead and stayed behind alone. At that time, he wrestled with an angel, and today's passage says, "he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there" (Hosea 12:4 NIV). And then it says, "the Lord God Almighty, the Lord is his name! But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always" (Hosea 12:5-6 NIV).

To those who practiced injustice and idolatry for worldly success and a prosperous life, God says to remember Him again. He tells them to remember when they first met Him. He asks them to remember the time when they were so desperate and in such difficulty that they earnestly pleaded with God with tears. This is the way to turn our hearts, which have become worldly, back to God. Although we see God indicting and judging the Israelites, we know very well through the book of Hosea that this is not what God truly desires. What God truly wants is for them to return to Him, maintain love and justice, and always hope in their God.

하나님께서 스스로를 “만군의 하나님이시라”라고 소개하셨습니다. 군사적 필요 때문에 앗수르와 애굽에 의지하여야 했던 그들에게 앗수르와 애굽이 아니라 만군의 여호와인 하나님을 기억하라고 하시는 것입니다. 그리고 하나님께서는 스스로를 너의 하나님이라고 지칭하십니다. “너의 하나님께 돌아와서 인애와 정의를 지키라.” “항상 너의 하나님을 바랄지니라” 바로 아내된 이스라엘을 위해 하나님께서는 기꺼이 내가 바로 너의 것이다. 만군의 하나님이 바로 너의 것이다. 나를 바라라고 하시는 것입니다. 하나님께서 왜 우리에게 내가 너와 처음 만났을 때를 기억하라고 하시는 걸까요? 그것은 단순히 그것이 우리로 하나님을 기억하게 하시기 위함 만은 아닐 것입니다. 그것은 하나님께도 그 순간이 너무나 특별한 순간이었기에 영원히 사시고 그 영원을 기억하시는 하나님이심에도 이스라엘 백성에게 그 순간을 말씀하시는 것일 것입니다. 여러분 이것이 하나님의 마음입니다. 우리에게 특별한 그 순간이 하나님께도 특별하신 것입니다. 기도하시겠습니다.


God introduced Himself as "the Lord God Almighty." To those who had to rely on Assyria and Egypt for military needs, He's saying to remember not Assyria and Egypt, but the Lord of Hosts, God Almighty. And God refers to Himself as "your God." "Return to your God, maintain love and justice." "Always wait for your God." For Israel, His wife, God willingly says, "I am yours. The Lord of Hosts is yours. Hope in me."


Why does God ask us to remember when we first met Him? It's not simply to make us remember Him. It must be because that moment was so special to God too, that even though He is eternal and remembers all eternity, He speaks of that moment to the Israelites. This is God's heart, brothers and sisters. The moment that is special to us is special to God as well. Let us pray.


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