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20241112 [새벽묵상] 고통 당하는 자의 소리를 들으시는 주님을 찬양하라 | Praise the Lord who hears the afflicted and in pain (시/Ps 69:29~36)

69:29 오직 나는 가난하고 슬프오니 하나님이여 주의 구원으로 나를 높이소서

29 But as for me, afflicted and in pain—

    may your salvation, God, protect me.

69:30 내가 노래로 하나님의 이름을 찬송하며 감사함으로 하나님을 위대하시다 하리니

69:31 이것이 소 곧 뿔과 굽이 있는 황소를 드림보다 여호와를 더욱 기쁘시게 함이 될 것이라

69:32 곤고한 자가 이를 보고 기뻐하나니 하나님을 찾는 너희들아 너희 마음을 소생하게 할지어다

69:33 여호와는 궁핍한 자의 소리를 들으시며 자기로 말미암아 갇힌 자를 멸시하지 아니하시나니

30 I will praise God’s name in song

    and glorify him with thanksgiving.

31 This will please the Lord more than an ox,

    more than a bull with its horns and hooves.

32 The poor will see and be glad—

    you who seek God, may your hearts live!

33 The Lord hears the needy

    and does not despise his captive people.

69:34 천지가 그를 찬송할 것이요 바다와 그 중의 모든 생물도 그리할지로다

69:35 하나님이 시온을 구원하시고 유다 성읍들을 건설하시리니 무리가 거기에 살며 소유를 삼으리로다

69:36 그의 종들의 후손이 또한 이를 상속하고 그의 이름을 사랑하는 자가 그 중에 살리로다

34 Let heaven and earth praise him,

    the seas and all that move in them,

35 for God will save Zion

    and rebuild the cities of Judah.

Then people will settle there and possess it;

36     the children of his servants will inherit it,

    and those who love his name will dwell there.


                  여러분 저희가 시편 69편을 이번 주일부터 계속 묵상하고 있습니다. 어제까지 69편의 내용이 무엇이었습니까? 생명의 삶, 묵상책의 제목을 보니 그저께 주일의 제목은 “억울하게 고난 당하는 종의 기도”랍니다. 그리고 어제, 월요일의 묵상 제목은 “하나님 앞에서 억울함을 토하는 기도”라고 합니다. 다 억울함과 관련이 있네요. 여러분은 억울한 일을 당해 보신 적 있으십니까? 물론 있으시겠지요. 억울한 일을 당하면 어떻습니까? 그 즉시에는 충격과 분노로 인해서 상황이 어떻게 돌아가고 있는 것인지 혼란스럽고 경우에 따라서는 두려운 마음마저 들면서 제대로 된 반응조차 하지 못하는 경우가 많지요. 오히려 그 상황이 좀 지나가고 난 다음에서야 무슨 일이 일어났는지 파악이 되면서 그때 에서야 제대로 분노하게 됩니다. 어쩔 때는 나에게 피해를 준 사람보다 아무것도 못한 내가 너무 화가 나요. 자, 그러면 시간이 좀 흐르면 어떨까요? 나아질까요? 아니요. 오히려 시간이 흐를수록 머리 속에서 그 억울했던 상황이 계속 반복되면서 그 때 느꼈던 분노와 억울함이 점점 증폭되면서 그 상황을 머릿속에서 떨쳐낼 수가 없게 됩니다. 뭘 해도 그것 밖에 생각이 안나요. 누군가가 말을 걸면 계속 그 얘기만 하게 됩니다. 너무 억울하고 분해서 떨쳐버릴 수가 없어요. 그런데 만약 이런 상황이 장기화가 된다면 매우 위험해져요. 오히려 억울했던 상황 그 자체가 준 피해보다 내 머릿속에서 그것을 곱씹음으로서 일어나는 피해가 더 커지는 상황이 발생합니다. 자칫 잘못하면 영구적인 심리적 트라우마로 남을 수도 있습니다. 무서운 일이지요. 그런데 오늘 본문의 시편 69편, 다윗의 시가 바로 그런 상황입니다. 1절부터 오늘 말씀 직전인 28절까지 다윗은 끊임없이 자신의 억울함을 하나님께 토해내고 자신에게 잘못을 한 대적자들을 저주하며 하나님께서 심판해 달라고 성토를 하고 있습니다. 이 억울한 상황에 갇혀서 계속 곱씹고 있는 것입니다. 마음이 너무 고통 당하고 있는 것이에요. 그런데 오늘의 말씀을 보니 어제까지의 고통 당하고 있던 다윗이 아니라 하나님께 찬양하며 하나님께 감사하는 다윗의 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 심경의 변화는 어떻게 일어난 것일까? 그리고 그 심경의 변화를 통해 어떤 일들이 일어나는지 함께 알아보기 원합니다.

Dear brothers and sisters, we've been meditating on Psalm 69 since this past Sunday. What was the content of Psalm 69 that we covered until yesterday? Looking at our daily devotional guide, Sunday's title was "The Prayer of a Servant Suffering Unjustly," and Monday's meditation was titled "A Prayer Pouring Out Injustice Before God." Both are related to injustice. Have you ever experienced unfair treatment?


Of course, you have. What happens when you face injustice? In the immediate moment, shock and anger can leave you confused about what's happening, and sometimes you're even too afraid to respond properly. Often, it's only after the situation has passed that you begin to understand what happened, and that's when the real anger sets in. Sometimes, you're more angry at yourself for not doing anything than at the person who wronged you.


So what happens as time passes? Does it get better? No. Often, as time goes by, the unfair situation keeps replaying in your mind, and the anger and sense of injustice grow stronger until you can't shake it from your thoughts. It's all you can think about. When someone talks to you, it's all you can talk about. The injustice and frustration are impossible to let go. But if this situation becomes prolonged, it becomes very dangerous. The damage from repeatedly dwelling on the injustice in your mind can become greater than the harm from the original situation. If we're not careful, it can even become a permanent psychological trauma. It's frightening.


This is exactly the situation we find in Psalm 69, David's psalm. From verse 1 through verse 28, David continuously pours out his sense of injustice to God, cursing his adversaries and pleading for God's judgment against them. He's trapped in this unjust situation, constantly ruminating over it. His heart is in tremendous pain. But in today's verses, we see a different David – not the one suffering in pain as we saw yesterday, but one who praises and thanks God. How did this change of heart occur? And what happens through this transformation? Let's explore this together.

                  첫번째, 다윗의 이 심경의 변화, 대체 어떻게 일어난 것이었을까요? 29절 함께 보시겠습니다. “오직 나는 가난하고 슬프오니 하나님이여 주의 구원으로 나를 높이소서” 분명 어제의 28절 말씀까지만 하더라도 그들을 생명책에서 지워달라고 할 만큼 마음이 어려웠던 다윗이었습니다. 그리고 그는 29절에서 그것을 인정하고 있습니다. “나는 가난하고 슬프오니” 영어성경을 보니 괴롭고 고통가운데 있사오니라고 자신의 상황을 직시하고 있습니다. 나는 괜찮아, 이까짓거 별 것 아냐. Suck it up! 이라고 부정하지 않고 자신의 모습을 있는 그대로 자신의 괴로움과 고통을 있는 그대로 하나님 앞에 인정하고 있는 것입니다. 그리고 또 한가지 중요한 모습이 있습니다. 바로 “오직 나는 가난하고 슬프오니 하나님이여” 나의 괴로움과 고통을 하나님 앞에 있는 그대로 인정하고 이제는 나의 시선을 나를 바라보는 것이 아니라 하나님을 향해 고정하는 것입니다. “주의 구원으로 나를 높이소서” 나를 보호하소서 라고 하나님께 그 시선을 향하는 것입니다.

이는 어떻게 가능한 것입니까? 바로 다윗이 하나님이 어떤 분인지 기억해 내었기 때문입니다. 하나님이 어떤 분이시기에 다윗은 자신의 억울함으로부터 하나님께로 시선을 고정 할 수 있었던 것일까요? 33절입니다. “여호와는 궁핍한 자의 소리를 들으시며 자기로 말미암아 갇힌 자를 멸시하지 아니하시나니” 아멘. 하나님은 고통 당하는 자의 소리를 들으시고 그 억울한 상황에 갇혀 끊임없이 괴로워하는 자를 멸시하지 아니하시는 분이신 것입니다. 다윗은 하나님이 자신을 멸시하지 않으시고 자신의 기도를 들으시는 분이시라는 것을 분명히 알았기에 자신의 시선을 이제는 문제로부터 하나님께로 고정할 수 있었던 것입니다. 이것은 나의 고난과 고통을 축소하거나 무시하는 것이 아닙니다. 그것들을 있는 그대로 인정하지만 하나님이 어떤 분이신지를 기억함으로서 하나님께서 그 문제보다 크신 분임을 다시 한번 확인하는 것을 말하는 것입니다. 바로 그렇기 때문에 비록 지금 나의 억울한 상황은 그대로일지라도 하나님을 찬양하며 감사할 수 있는 시선을 갖게 되는 것입니다. 그래서 30절에 다윗은 “내가 노래로 하나님의 이름을 찬송하며 감사함으로 하나님을 위대하시다 하리니” 라고 고백 할 수 있는 것입니다. 하나님은 위대하시다. 나의 모든 억울함과 나의 모든 괴로움과 고통보다 크고 위대하신 분임을 고백하는 것입니다. 이렇게 그의 시선은 하나님께로 향하는 것입니다.

First, how did David's change of heart happen? Let's look at verse 29: "But as for me, afflicted and in pain—may your salvation, O God, protect me" (NIV). Until verse 28, David was so distressed that he asked for his enemies to be blotted out from the book of life. In verse 29, he acknowledges his condition: "I am afflicted and in pain." Looking at various translations, we see he's recognizing his situation of being in distress and suffering. He's not saying, "I'm fine" or "It's no big deal" or "Just suck it up!" Instead, he's acknowledging his pain and suffering exactly as it is before God. And there's another crucial aspect – he's turning his gaze from himself to God, saying "O God, protect me."


How is this possible? It's because David remembered who God is. What kind of God enabled David to shift his focus from his injustice to the Lord? Verse 33 tells us: "The LORD hears the needy and does not despise his captive people" (NIV). Amen. God is one who hears the cry of the suffering and doesn't despise those who are trapped in their unjust situations. Because David knew clearly that God wouldn't despise him and would hear his prayer, he could shift his focus from his problems to God.


This isn't about minimizing or ignoring our suffering. It's about acknowledging it fully while remembering who God is, confirming again that God is greater than our problems. That's why, even though David's unjust situation hadn't changed, he could gain a perspective that allowed him to praise and thank God. Thus, in verse 30, David declares, "I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving" (NIV). He confesses that God is great – greater than all his injustice, all his pain, and all his suffering. This is how his gaze turns toward God.

그리고 31절에 뭐라고 말씀하십니까? “이것이 소 곧 뿔과 굽이 있는 황소를 드림보다 여호와를 더욱 기쁘시게 함이 될 것이라” 뿔이 있는 황소는 적어도 3년 이상은 자란 매우 가치 있는 제물입니다. 굽이 있다는 것은 율법적으로 정결한, 제사드리기에 적합한 제물을 말하는 것이지요. 완벽한 제물입니다. 그런데 그런 황소를 드림보다 이렇게 하나님을 찬양하는 것이 하나님을 더욱 기쁘시게 한다고 자신있게 말하고 있습니다. 왜 입니까? 그것은 단순히 찬송과 감사가 이런 가치있는 황소보다 낫다고 말하는 것이 아닙니다. 오히려 이런 황소는 매우 가치있는 제물이지만 오늘 본문에 나와있는 찬송과 감사는 바로 고난 가운데서도 하나님을 향한 변함없는 사랑과 또 하나님이 어떤 분이신지 알기 때문에 고백할 수 있는 찬양과 감사이기 때문에 하나님을 더욱 기쁘시게 한다고 말하는 것입니다. 우리 함께 묵상하셨던 호세아 6:6절의 표준 새 번역을 제가 읽어보겠습니다 “내가 바라는 것은 변함없는 사랑이지 제사가 아니다. 불살라 바치는 제사보다는 너희가 나 하나님을 알기를 더 바란다.” 고통과 고난가운데에서도 변하지 않는 사랑. 또 하나님이 어떤 분이신지를 기억하고 알기에 드릴 수 있는 찬양과 감사. 바로 그것이 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것입니다. 

And what does verse 31 say? "This will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves" (NIV). A horned bull represents a very valuable sacrifice, at least three years old. The mention of hooves indicates it's ritually clean, suitable for sacrifice according to the law. It's a perfect offering. Yet David confidently states that praising God this way pleases Him more than offering such a bull. Why? It's not simply saying that praise and thanksgiving are better than valuable sacrifices. Rather, while such a bull is indeed a valuable offering, the praise and thanksgiving in today's passage come from an unchanging love for God even in the midst of suffering, and from knowing who God is. Let me read Hosea 6:6 from the NIV: "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." It's about unchanging love amid pain and suffering, and praise and thanksgiving that can be offered because we remember and know who God is. That's what pleases God.

                  이런 다윗의 심경의 변화를 통하여 오늘 말씀은 어떠한 일이 일어난다고 말씀하십니까? 다윗 개인의 찬양과 감사가 개인의 찬양에서 공동체의 기쁨이 되고 다윗처럼 괴롭고 고통가운데 있던 사람들의 마음이 소생하게 됩니다. 32절입니다. “곤고한 자가 이를 보고 기뻐하나니 하나님을 찾는 너희들아 너희 마음을 소생하게 할지어다.” 곤고한 자, 곧, 겸손히 하나님을 섬기는 자가 이를 보고 기뻐한다고 합니다. 그것이 하나님을 섬기는 공동체 안에 큰 기쁨이 되는 것입니다. 그리고 다윗과 같이 어려운 상황 가운데에 있어서 마음이 상하여 지금도 하나님을 찾고 있는 사람들에게는 이것이 곧 희망이 되는 것입니다. 그들 또한 다윗과 같이 그 상한 마음이 다시금 살아날 수 있는 격려가 되는 것입니다. 다윗 개인의 찬양과 감사에서 공동체의 기쁨과 찬양이 되고 그리고 이것은 만물이 주님을 찬양함으로 그 영역이 확장 됩니다. 34절입니다. “천지가 그를 찬송할 것이요 바다와 그중의 모든 생물도 그리할지로다” 이 얼마나 놀라운 말씀입니까? 억울한 일을 당하여 고통 당하던 한 사람이 자신의 시선을 그의 고통과 아픔으로부터 돌려 하나님께로 향하였을 때 일어나는 찬송과 감사가 단순히 한사람의 삶을 살리는 것 뿐만 아니라 그 공동체를 살리고, 또 천하 만물에 이르기까지 영향을 미치는 것. 실로 놀라운 일이지요. 그러나 그 일이 일어날 수 있었던 근본 원인은 바로 그가 하나님이 어떤 분이신지를 기억하고 알았기 때문입니다. “여호와는 궁핍한 자의 소리를 들으시며 자기로 말미암아 갇힌 자를 멸시하지 아니하시나니”


What happens through David's change of heart according to today's passage? David's individual praise and thanksgiving become the joy of the community, and the hearts of those who, like David, are in pain and suffering are revived. Verse 32 says: "The poor will see and be glad—you who seek God, may your hearts live!" (NIV). The humble who serve God see this and rejoice. It becomes great joy within the God-serving community. And for those who, like David, are in difficult situations and are seeking God with broken hearts, this becomes hope. It encourages them that their broken hearts can be revived just like David's. David's individual praise and thanksgiving become the community's joy and praise, and this expands to all creation praising the Lord. Verse 34 declares: "Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them" (NIV).


How amazing is this? When one person suffering from injustice turns their gaze from their pain to God, their resulting praise and thanksgiving not only brings life to one person but saves their community and impacts all creation. It's truly remarkable. However, the fundamental reason this could happen was that he remembered and knew who God is: "The LORD hears the needy and does not despise his captive people."

                  말씀을 맺습니다. 주님은 고통당하는 자의 소리를 들으십니다. 억울함 가운데 계속 그 아픔을 되뇌이고 계시는 분 계십니까? 상한 마음으로 도저히 그 억울함을 떨쳐내지 못하시는 분 계십니까? 오늘 하나님께서 당신을 초청하십니다. 당신의 시선을 그 억울함으로부터 돌려 크신 하나님을 바라보라고 하십니다. 그것은 매우 어려운 일입니다. 그러나 우리가 하나님을 안다면, 하나님이 고통당하는 우리의 기도를, 억울함 가운데 신음하는 우리의 소리를 들으시는 분임을 기억한다면 우리의 시선을 하나님께 돌릴 수 있도록 노력해야 합니다. 왜냐하면 그때에서야 우리는 갇힘으로부터 자유로울 수 있기 때문입니다. 마음속에 계속 반복되는 피해를 멈출 수 있기 때문입니다. 그리고 하나님을 찬양하고 하나님께 감사함으로 하나님을 위대하시다 선포할 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 그때에서야 나의 문제보다 더 큰 하나님을 인식 할 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 그리고 그것은 결코 작은 일이 아닙니다. 오늘 말씀처럼 모든 공동체와 만물이 당신의 자유케 됨을 함께 기뻐할 것입니다. 그러므로 여러분 고통 당하는 자의 소리를 들으시는 주님을 찬양하십시오. 기도하시겠습니다.


Let me close. The Lord hears the cry of the suffering. Is anyone here constantly replaying their pain in their mind? Is anyone unable to shake off injustice with their broken heart? Today, God invites you. He calls you to turn your gaze from that injustice to look upon our great God. It's very difficult. But if we know God, if we remember that He is the One who hears our prayers in suffering and our groaning in injustice, we must strive to turn our gaze to Him. Because only then can we be free from our captivity. Only then can we stop the cycle of harm repeating in our minds. Only then can we praise God and declare His greatness with thanksgiving. Only then can we recognize that God is greater than our problems. And this is no small matter. As today's passage shows, all communities and all creation will rejoice in your freedom. Therefore, brothers and sisters, praise the Lord who hears the cry of the suffering. Let us pray.


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