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20241126 [새벽묵상] 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보라 | Look to the Open Door in Heaven (계/Rev 4:1~4)

4:1 이 일 후에 내가 보니 하늘에 열린 문이 있는데 내가 들은 바 처음에 내게 말하던 나팔 소리 같은 그 음성이 이르되 이리로 올라오라 이 후에 마땅히 일어날 일들을 내가 네게 보이리라 하시더라

4:2 내가 곧 성령에 감동되었더니 보라 하늘에 보좌를 베풀었고 그 보좌 위에 앉으신 이가 있는데

4:3 앉으신 이의 모양이 벽옥과 홍보석 같고 또 무지개가 있어 보좌에 둘렸는데 그 모양이 녹보석 같더라

4:4 또 보좌에 둘려 이십사 보좌들이 있고 그 보좌들 위에 이십사 장로들이 흰 옷을 입고 머리에 금관을 쓰고 앉았더라

1 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.


                  여러분 어제까지 저희는 요한계시록을 통해 1세기 소아시아 일곱 교회에게 보내는 예수님의 편지들에 대해서 말씀을 나누었습니다. 그 편지들에는 예수님께서 어떻게 그 교회들을 지켜보고 계셨는지 때로는 그들에게 칭찬으로, 때로는 그들에게 책망으로, 때로는 그들에게 권면하심으로 주님께서 자신의 몸된 교회를 돌보시는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다. 이것은 그들에게 큰 위로가 되었을 것입니다. 황제숭배를 강요받으며 로마와 유대인들의 핍박과 박해를 받았던 1세기 크리스천들에게 그리스도께서 친히 한 교회 한 교회마다 맞춤으로 말씀을 전해주신 것이 아니겠습니까? 그리고 그 마지막에는 항상 이기는 자, 끝까지 승리하는 자에게 주시는 약속을 말씀하심으로 그들이 소망을 잃지 않도록 격려해 주시는 모습을 볼 수 있었습니다. 어제말씀 3:21 에도 이렇게 말씀하셨습니다 “이기는 그에게는 내가 내 보좌에 함께 앉게하여 주기를 내가 이기고 아버지 보좌에 함께 앉은 것과 같이 하리라” 그리고 오늘의 말씀입니다. 사도요한께서 성령에 감동되어 하늘의 열린문을 보시니 그곳에 하늘 보좌가 있었다고 합니다. 하늘의 열린 문을 볼 때에 그들이 그토록 두려워하던 로마 황제가 아니라 진정으로 이 세상을 통치하는 분이 누구인지를 알 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 어제까지 각 교회에게 그들의 상황에 맞추어 말씀을 하셨다면 오늘은 그들에게 그들의 시선이 어디로 고정되어야 하는지 말씀해주고 계시는 것입니다. 바로 진정한 통치자께서 앉아계신 하나님의 보좌. 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보아야 하는 것입니다. 오늘은 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보라는 제목으로 함께 말씀 나누기 원합니다.

Brothers and sisters, until yesterday, we studied Jesus's letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor through the Book of Revelation. In these letters, we saw how Jesus watched over these churches - sometimes with praise, sometimes with rebuke, and sometimes with encouragement - showing how the Lord cares for His church, His body. This must have been a great comfort to them. Think about it - Christ Himself delivered personalized messages to each church during a time when first-century Christians faced persecution from both Rome and the Jews, being forced to worship the emperor. And at the end of each message, He always included promises for those who overcome, those who remain victorious, encouraging them not to lose hope. As we saw in yesterday's verse, Revelation 3:21: "To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne."


And now today's passage: When the Apostle John was in the Spirit, he saw an open door in heaven, and there was the heavenly throne. When they saw this open door in heaven, they could understand who truly rules this world - not the Roman emperor whom they so feared. While yesterday's messages were tailored to each church's situation, today's message shows them where their gaze should be fixed - on God's throne where the true Ruler sits. They needed to look to the open door in heaven. Today, we'll share God's Word under the title "Look to the Open Door in Heaven."

                  그러면 어떻게 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보아야 하는 걸까요? 첫번째는 우리의 시선을 하나님께로 향해야 합니다. 1절입니다. “이 일 후에 내가 보니 하늘에 열린 문이 있는데” 여러분 1장에서 사도 요한이 예수님의 음성을 처음 듣고 그 음성을 알아보려고 뒤돌아서는 바람에  부활하신 예수님의 영광을 목도하게 되지요. 그때의 예수님의 모습이 바로 하나님의 모습과 같았다고 지난 시간에 말씀드렸던 것 같습니다. 그리고 그 하나님과 같은 예수님의 모습 앞에 사도요한은 죽은 것 같이 엎드러지게 되지요. 1:17 “내가 볼 떄에 그의 발 앞에 엎드러져 죽은 자 같이 되매” 그리고 2장과 3장 그리고 오늘 말씀인 4장에 오기까지 그가 일어났다는 말은 적혀있지 않습니다. 다만 주님께서 어느 교회, 어느 교회에 편지하라 라는 말씀만 들었을 뿐이지요. 그래서 그 모든 교회들에 대한 주님의 말씀을 다 들은 후에야 그는 고개를 들어 보았던 것입니다. 그래서 “이 일 후에 내가 보니” 라고 오늘 말씀은 전하고 있는 것입니다. 그리고 그가 보았을 때에 그는 하늘의 열린 문을 볼 수 있었습니다. 우리의 시선이 하나님께로 향해야 볼 수 있는 것입니다.

So how should we look to this open door in heaven? First, we must direct our gaze toward God. Verse 1 says, "After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven." Remember in Chapter 1, when the Apostle John first heard Jesus's voice and turned around to see who was speaking, he beheld the glory of the risen Christ. As we discussed before, Jesus's appearance was like that of God Himself. And before this God-like appearance of Jesus, John fell at His feet as though dead. Revelation 1:17 says, "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead." From Chapter 2 through Chapter 3 and into today's Chapter 4, there's no mention of him getting up. He only heard the Lord's instructions about which churches to write to. Only after hearing all of the Lord's messages to these churches did he finally look up. That's why today's passage begins with "After this I looked." And when he looked, he could see the open door in heaven. We can only see it when our gaze is directed toward God.

                  두번째, 우리가 우리의 시선을 예수님께로 향하고자 하면 주님께서는 우리를 초청하십니다. 1절 하반절입니다. “내가 들은 바 처음에 내게 말하던 나팔 소리 같은 그 음성이 이르되 이리로 올라오라 이후에 마땅히 일어날 일들을 내가 네게 보이리라 하시더라” 이 처음에 요한에게 말하던 나팔 소리같은 음성 누구입니까? 우리 예수님이시지요. 우리가 우리의 시선을 하나님께로 향하고자 하면 예수님께서 우리를 초청하시는 것입니다. “이리로 올라오라, 내가 네게 보이리라” 우리가 보고자 할 때에 주님께서 우리에게 보여주신다고 하십니다. 우리의 시선이 하늘을 향할때 주님께서 우리를 내버려두지 않으시고 “이리로 올라오라” 라고 말씀하시는 것입니다. 그리고 “내가 네게 보이리라” 라고 말씀하십니다. 어제 말씀과 마찬가지인 것입니다. 주님께서 두드리실 때에 우리가 문을 열면 주님께서 우리에게 들어와 우리와 더불어 먹으시고 우리가 눈을 들어 우리의 시선을 주께 향하면 주님께서 우리에게 보여주시는 것입니다.

어떻게 우리에게 보여주십니까? 세번째, 성령에 감동케 하셔서. 여러분 사도요한이 하늘의 열린 문은 볼 수 있었습니다. 그러나 그가 하늘의 보좌 또한 볼 수 있었던 것은 바로 성령님의 감동이 있었기 때문입니다. 여러분 애초에 요한이 1장에서 최초로 영화로우신 예수님의 음성을 들을 수 있었던 것도 성령에 감동 되었기 때문입니다. 1:10입니다. “주의 날에 내가 성령에 감동되어 내 뒤에서 나는 나팔 소리 같은 큰 음성을 들으니” 여러분 그리고 예수님께서 이 일곱교회에 보내시는 편지에서 항상 마치시는 말씀이 무엇이었습니까? 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6, 13, 22 을 통하여 계속 반복되는 말씀. 바로 “귀 있는 자는 성령이 교회들에게 하시는 말씀을 들을지어다”라는 말씀인 것입니다. 왜 입니까? 성령께서 우리에게 말씀하시기 때문입니다. 성령께서 우리를 듣게 하시기 때문입니다. 성령께서 우리를 보게 하시기 때문입니다. 그래서 우리가 우리의 시선은 하늘로 향하지만 우리의 눈을 열어 진정으로 보게하시는 것은 성령님이신 것입니다.

Second, when we turn our gaze toward Jesus, the Lord invites us. The latter half of verse 1 says, "The voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.'" Who is this voice like a trumpet that first spoke to John? It's our Lord Jesus. When we direct our gaze toward God, Jesus invites us: "Come up here, I will show you." When we desire to see, the Lord promises to show us. When our gaze turns heavenward, the Lord doesn't leave us alone but says, "Come up here" and "I will show you." This mirrors yesterday's message - when the Lord knocks and we open the door, He comes in to eat with us, and when we lift our eyes toward Him, He shows us.


Third, how does He show us? Through the power of the Spirit. Yes, John could see the open door in heaven, but he could see the heavenly throne only because he was in the Spirit. Remember, John could first hear the voice of the glorified Jesus in Chapter 1 because he was in the Spirit. Revelation 1:10 says, "On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet." And what was the closing statement in each letter to the seven churches? The repeated phrase in 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22: "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Why? Because it's the Spirit who speaks to us. It's the Spirit who enables us to hear. It's the Spirit who enables us to see. So while we direct our gaze heavenward, it's the Holy Spirit who truly opens our eyes to see.

                  그 보좌에 누가 계십니까? 바로 영화로우신 주님이 계십니다. 3절에 나타난 주님의 모습은 광채 그 자체입니다. 주님의 영광이 너무나 눈부셔서 그 광채가 마치 보석에 반사되는 빛과 같은 것입니다. 디모데전서 6:15-16이 이것을 너무나 잘 표현하고 있습니다. “하나님이 그의 나타나심을 보이시리니 하나님은 복되시고 유일하신 주권자이시며 만왕의 왕이시며 만주의 주시요 오직 그에게만 죽지 아니함이 있고 가까이 가지 못할 빛에 거하시고 어떤 사람도 보지 못하였고 또 볼 수 없는 이시니 그에게 존귀와 영원한 권능을 돌릴지어다 아멘” 주님이 누구이십니까? 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 주님은 유일하신 주권자이신 것입니다. 진정한 통치자이십니다. 만왕의 왕, 만주의 주이신 것입니다. 그렇기에 우리가 우리의 눈을 들어 하늘의 열린 문 위에 주님의 보좌를 바라 볼 때에 그제에서야 우리는 비로소 우리의 인생의 주인이 누구인지, 이 세상의 주인이 누구인지를 진정으로 깨달아 알 수 있는 것입니다.

                  그뿐만이 아닙니다. 4절을 보시면 “또 보좌를 둘러 이십사 보좌들이 있고 그 보좌들 위에 이십사 장로들이 흰옷을 입고 머리에 금관을 쓰고 앉았더라” 여러분 이 24장로들은 구약의 12지파와 신약의 12사도 즉 성도 전체를 대표하는 상징입니다. 흰옷을 입었다, 3:4을 보니 “사데에 그 옷을 더럽히지 아니한 자 몇명이 네게 있어 흰 옷을 입고 나와 함께 다니리니 그들은 합당한 자인 연고라” 금관을 쓰고 있었다. 2:10을 보니 “네가 죽도록 충성하라 그리하면 내가 생명의 관을 네게 주리라” 이들은 바로 승리한 성도인 것입니다. 이것이 바로 그리스도께 속하여 끝까지 충성한 성도에게 주어지는 영광인 것입니다. 우리의 눈을 들어 하늘의 열린 문을 바라 볼 때에 우리는 이기는 자에게 주어지는 하나님의 약속또한 볼 수 있게 되는 것입니다.

Who sits on that throne? The glorified Lord Himself. The Lord's appearance in verse 3 is pure radiance. The Lord's glory is so bright that it reflects like light on jewels. 1 Timothy 6:15-16 expresses this perfectly: "God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen." Who is our Lord? The Lord seated on the heavenly throne is the only Sovereign. He is the true Ruler. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Therefore, when we lift our eyes to see the Lord's throne beyond the open door in heaven, only then can we truly understand who is the master of our lives and who is the master of this world.


But there's more. Verse 4 tells us, "Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads." These 24 elders represent all saints - symbolizing the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the 12 apostles of the New Testament. They wear white clothes - remember Revelation 3:4: "Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy." They wear golden crowns - recall Revelation 2:10: "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your crown." These are the victorious saints. This is the glory given to those who remain faithful to Christ until the end. When we lift our eyes to see the open door in heaven, we can also see God's promises to those who overcome.

                  말씀을 맺습니다. 사도요한은 눈을 들어 하늘의 열린 문을 보았습니다. 그러자 주님께서 그를 초청하십니다. 이리로 올라오라. 내가 네게 보이리라. 그리고 그는 성령에 감동되어 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 주님의 영광을 보게 됩니다. 그리고 그는 승리한 성도의 영광 또한 볼 수 있었습니다. 여러분, 여러분의 시선을 하늘로 향하십시오. 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보십시오. 주님께서 도우실 것입니다. 성령의 감동으로 여러분 또한 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 주님의 영광을 보십시요. 승리하실 여러분에게 약속된 면류관을 바라보십시오. 여러분의 삶의 이유가. 삶의 목적이. 바뀔것입니다. 여러분 하늘의 열린 문을 바라보십시오. 기도하시겠습니다.


Let me conclude. The Apostle John lifted his eyes and saw the open door in heaven. Then the Lord invited him: "Come up here. I will show you." And in the Spirit, he saw the glory of the Lord seated on the heavenly throne. He also saw the glory of the victorious saints. Brothers and sisters, lift your gaze toward heaven. Look to the open door in heaven. The Lord will help you. Through the Spirit's power, you too can see the glory of the Lord seated on the heavenly throne. Look to the crown promised to you who will overcome. Your reason for living, your purpose in life, will be transformed. Look to the open door in heaven. Let us pray.


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