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20250114 [새벽묵상] 보지 않고 믿는 믿음을 가지라 | Faith Without Seeing (요/Jhn 4:43~54)

4:43 이틀이 지나매 예수께서 거기를 떠나 갈릴리로 가시며

4:44 친히 증언하시기를 선지자가 고향에서는 높임을 받지 못한다 하시고

4:45 갈릴리에 이르시매 갈릴리인들이 그를 영접하니 이는 자기들도 명절에 갔다가 예수께서 명절 중 예루살렘에서 하신 모든 일을 보았음이더라

[Jesus Heals an Official’s Son]

43 After the two days he left for Galilee. 44 (Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.) 45 When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, for they also had been there.

4:46 예수께서 다시 갈릴리 가나에 이르시니 전에 물로 포도주를 만드신 곳이라 왕의 신하가 있어 그의 아들이 가버나움에서 병들었더니

4:47 그가 예수께서 유대로부터 갈릴리로 오셨다는 것을 듣고 가서 청하되 내려오셔서 내 아들의 병을 고쳐 주소서 하니 그가 거의 죽게 되었음이라

46 Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. 47 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death.

4:48 예수께서 이르시되 너희는 표적과 기사를 보지 못하면 도무지 믿지 아니하리라

48 “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

4:49 신하가 이르되 주여 내 아이가 죽기 전에 내려오소서

49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”

4:50 예수께서 이르시되 가라 네 아들이 살아 있다 하시니 그 사람이 예수께서 하신 말씀을 믿고 가더니

4:51 내려가는 길에서 그 종들이 오다가 만나서 아이가 살아 있다 하거늘

4:52 그 낫기 시작한 때를 물은즉 어제 일곱 시에 열기가 떨어졌나이다 하는지라

50 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.”

The man took Jesus at his word and departed. 51 While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 52 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.”

4:53 그의 아버지가 예수께서 네 아들이 살아 있다 말씀하신 그 때인 줄 알고 자기와 그 온 집안이 다 믿으니라

53 Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live.” So he and his whole household believed.

4:54 이것은 예수께서 유대에서 갈릴리로 오신 후에 행하신 두번째 표적이니라

54 This was the second sign Jesus performed after coming from Judea to Galilee.


                흔히들 기독교는 체험의 종교라고 얘기들을 많이 합니다. 어떤 분들은 성령 체험을 하기도 하고 기도 중에 방언이 터져서 자기도 알지 못하는 언어로 기도를 하시는 분도 계시고 어떤 분은 임사 체험을 하시는 분도 계시고 어떤 분은 기적적으로 병이 나음을 입는 분들도 계십니다. 이렇게 하나님을 체험하는 것은 매우 소중한 것이지요. 때로 우리가 믿음이 약해질 때 이렇게 하나님을 체험하였던 것을 기억하면서 다시금 믿음을 다잡고 하나님께로 우리 마음을 향할 때가 많은 것을 압니다. 실지로 저도 그렇구요. 그러나 때로 이러한 체험이 너무 절대적인 기준이 될 때가 있는 것을 보게 되는 경우가 있습니다. “네가 믿음이 아직 없는 것은 하나님을 체험하지 못했기 때문이야. 영적인 경험을 하게 되면 너도 하나님을 믿을 수 있게 될거야” 틀린 말은 아닙니다. 다만 우리 인간의 마음이 너무나 간사해서 체험을 하고도 그것이 믿음으로 이어지지 않고 그저 체험으로만 남는 경우도 있기 때문입니다. 우리가 보았을 때는 너무나 굉장한 체험을 했음에도 불구하고 어느덧 믿음을 잃어버리고 교회에 나오지 않으시는 분들도 보았기 때문입니다. 이 믿음과 체험의 문제는 그리 간단한 것이 아니지요. 하지만 체험과 믿음. 이 둘 사이에서 하나를 선택해야 한다면 우리는 믿음을 먼저 선택해야 할 것입니다. 왜냐하면 성경에서 정의하고 있는 믿음은 히브리서 11:1의 말씀처럼 “바라는 것들의 실상이요 보지못하는 것들의 증거”이기 때문입니다. 오늘 본문의 요한복음 말씀에 왕의 신하가 나옵니다. 그의 아들이 병들어 죽게 되자 그는 예수님의 표적과 기사를 보고 믿는 것이 아닌 예수님의 말씀을 듣고 믿는 믿음을 보여줍니다. 그야말로 보지 않고 믿는 믿음인 것이지요. 오늘은 이 이야기를 좀 해보려고 합니다. 보지 않고 믿는 믿음에 대해서 말입니다.

Many people say that Christianity is a religion of experience. Some people experience the Holy Spirit, some speak in tongues and pray in languages unknown to them, some have near-death experiences, and some experience miraculous healing. These experiences of God are indeed precious. When our faith weakens, we often strengthen it by remembering these experiences of God and turning our hearts back to Him. I personally experience this too. However, sometimes I notice that these experiences can become too absolute a standard. People might say, "You don't have faith because you haven't experienced God. Once you have a spiritual experience, you'll be able to believe in God." This isn't entirely wrong. However, the human heart is so deceitful that sometimes experiences don't lead to faith and remain just experiences. We've seen people who had what seemed like extraordinary experiences, yet eventually lost their faith and stopped attending church. This relationship between faith and experience isn't simple. However, if we must choose between experience and faith, we should choose faith first. This is because faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as "faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." In today's passage from John's Gospel, we meet a royal official. When his son was sick and near death, he demonstrated faith by believing in Jesus's words rather than seeing signs and wonders. This is truly faith without seeing. Today, let's talk about this - faith without seeing.

                첫번째로 오늘의 말씀은 우리에게 예수님께서 하신 모든 일을 보았던 사람들에 대해 이야기 합니다. 예수님께서 사마리아 수가성의 여인과 또 그곳의 사마리아 사람들과 시간을 보내신 후 그곳을 떠나 갈릴리로 돌아오십니다. 44절에 보니 예수님이 전에 “친히 증언하시기를 선지자가 고향에서는 높임을 받지 못한다”하셨다고 합니다. 그런데 45절에 보면 전혀 정반대의 상황이 나옵니다. 갈릴리 지방 나사렛에서 자라신 예수님 그래서 예수님을 칭할 때 “나사렛 예수”라고 부르지 않습니까? 그 갈릴리 지방이 고향이신 예수님께서 갈릴리에 이르셨는데. 45절 에보니 “갈릴리인들이 그를 영접하니” 라고 합니다. 예수님을 환대하였다는 말입니다. 모순되지 않습니까? 선지자가 고향에서는 높임을 받지 못한다 라고 말씀하셨는데 갈릴리에서 예수님을 환대해요. 많은 학자들이 이를 두고 여러가지 해석을 합니다. 그러나 저는 예수님의 말씀과 갈릴리 사람들의 환대가 서로 모순되지 않는다고 생각합니다. 왜냐하면 45절 하반절에 “이는 자기들도 명절에 갔다가 예수께서 명절 중 예루살렘에서 하신 모든 일을 보았음이더라” 라고 요한이 설명을 하고 있기 때문입니다. 이들은 예수님께서 예루살렘에서 하신 모든 일을 보았다고 합니다. 그들은 보았기 때문에 예수님을 환대하고 환영하였습니다. 그러나 그들은 예수님을 높이지 못하였습니다. 즉, 그들은 예수님이 하나님의 아들이신 것을 믿은 것이 아니라 그들이 보았던 이적과 기적을 행하는 자를 환영한 것입니다. 이는 48절에 “너희는 표적과 기사를 보지 못하면 도무지 믿지 아니하리라” 라고 하신 말씀으로 알 수 있습니다. 이들은 예수님의 표적과 기사를 보고도 예수님을 믿지 못하였던 것입니다.

First, today's passage tells us about people who saw everything Jesus did. After spending time with the Samaritan woman and the people of Sychar in Samaria, Jesus returned to Galilee. Verse 44 mentions that Jesus had testified that "a prophet has no honor in his own hometown." However, verse 45 shows the complete opposite situation. Jesus, who grew up in Nazareth in Galilee - isn't this why we call Him "Jesus of Nazareth"? - when He arrived in His hometown of Galilee, verse 45 says, "the Galileans welcomed him." They received Him warmly. Isn't this contradictory? He said a prophet has no honor in his hometown, yet they welcomed Him in Galilee. Many scholars interpret this in various ways. However, I don't think Jesus's words and the Galileans' welcome are contradictory. This is because John explains in the latter half of verse 45, "They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival." These people had seen everything Jesus did in Jerusalem. They welcomed Him because they had seen, but they didn't truly honor Him. In other words, they didn't believe He was the Son of God; they merely welcomed someone who performed signs and wonders. We can understand this from verse 48 where Jesus says, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." These people couldn't believe in Jesus even after seeing His signs and wonders.

                자 이제 두번째, 오늘의 말씀의 본론인 왕의 신하가 나옵니다. 46-47절에보니 가버나움에서 아들이 죽을 병에 걸린 왕의 신하가 예수님께서 갈릴리로 오셨다는 것을 듣고 갈릴리 가나로 와서 예수님께 간청하지요. 당시 가버나움에서 가나로 가는 길은 20마일이 넘는 대략 34km정도의 꽤나 먼 길이었습니다. 왕의 신하가 이렇게 먼 길을 마다하고 예수님을 찾아왔던 것은 아마도 그가 이미 모든 수를 다 써보았기 때문일 것입니다. 어떤 의사도 그 아들을 살릴 수 없었기에 그에게는 예수님이 마지막 희망이었을 것이에요. 여기서 “듣고 가서 청하되” 라고 나와있는 청하되 라는 말은 원문 표현을 보면 한번 부탁한 것이 아니라 계속 간청하였던 것임을 우리에게 말해줍니다. 실제로 49절에도 똑같이 간청하는 장면이 다시 나오죠.

Second, we come to the main part of today's message about the royal official. In verses 46-47, we see that when this official, whose son was dying in Capernaum, heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee, he went to Cana and begged Jesus. The journey from Capernaum to Cana was quite long - over 20 miles, about 34 kilometers. The official probably made this long journey because he had already tried everything else. When no doctor could save his son, Jesus became his last hope. The word "begged" in the original text suggests that he didn't just ask once but kept pleading repeatedly. We see this again in verse 49.

자, 이 왕의 신하는 예수님이 가나에서 물을 포도주로 만드신 표적을 보지 못하였습니다. 그는 아마 예루살렘에서 예수님께서 하신 일도 보지 못하였을 것입니다. 그러나 그는 예수님에 대해서 듣고 예수님께 모든 것을 걸었습니다. 아들의 임종을 지킬 수 없을지도 모르는 위험을 무릅쓰면서 예수님께 간청하기 위해 가나까지 그 먼 길을 올라온 것입니다. 그리고 50절에 보니 예수님께서 말씀하십니다. “가라 네 아들이 살아있다 하시니 그 사람이 예수께서 하신 말씀을 믿고 가더니” 여러분 이 왕의 신하가 오늘의 본문 말씀 가운데 예수님의 표적을 본 것이 무엇이 있습니까? 아무것도 없습니다. 오히려 그가 예수님께 나아와 가버나움으로 내려오셔서 자기 아들을 고쳐달라고 할 때에 예수님은 그에게 핀잔을 주시듯 48절에 “너희는 표적과 기사를 보지 못하면 도무지 믿지 아니하리라”라고 까지 말씀하십니다. 이 말씀 안에 “너희는”은 이 왕의 신하도 포함하는 말이 아니겠습니까? 대놓고 “너도 표적을 보기 전에는 믿지 않을거잖아” 라고 말씀하신거에요. 얼마나 마음이 상하겠습니까? 그럼에도 불구하고 그의 마음은 꺾이지 않습니다. 이 왕의 신하는 예수님께 다시 한번 간청합니다. “내 아이가 죽기 전에 내려오소서” 자 그러면 예수님이 어떻게 하셔야 하겠습니까? 여러분 우리가 생각하는 예수님이라면 같이 내려가셔서 아이를 만지시고 고치시겠지요. 그런데 예수님 딱 한마디 하십니다. “가라, 네 아들이 살아있다” 이 말씀을 듣고 아무런 표적도 보지 못했던 그는, 예수님께 핀잔만 들었던 그는 어떻게 합니까? 50절에 “그 사람이 예수께서 하신 말씀을 믿고 가더니” 여러분 이것이 보지 않고 믿는 믿음인 것입니다. 너무나 도전되는 말씀 아닙니까? 아무런 증거도 아무런 보장도 없습니다. 내가 생각했던, 예수님께서 같이 가셔서 치료해주시는 그런 해결책도 아닙니다. 나 홀로 믿음으로 예수님 말씀을 믿고 나아가는 것입니다. 예수님이 하신 말씀. 이 말씀을 믿고 그 불확실함 속으로 나아가는 것입니다.

This royal official hadn't seen Jesus's first sign of turning water into wine. He probably hadn't seen what Jesus did in Jerusalem either. However, he had heard about Jesus and staked everything on Him. He risked not being present for his son's final moments by making the long journey to Cana to plead with Jesus. Then in verse 50, Jesus says, "'Go,' Jesus replied, 'your son will live.' The man took Jesus at his word and departed." Look, did this royal official see any of Jesus's signs in today's passage? None at all. In fact, when he came asking Jesus to come down to Capernaum to heal his son, Jesus seemed to rebuke him in verse 48, saying "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." Doesn't this "you people" include the official? It's as if Jesus was directly saying, "You won't believe unless you see signs too." How heartbreaking must that have been? Yet his resolve didn't weaken. The official pleaded again, "Sir, come down before my child dies." Now, what should Jesus do? If we think about Jesus as we normally would, He would go down with the official and heal the child by touching him. But Jesus just says one thing: "Go, your son will live." Hearing this, the man who hadn't seen any signs, who had only received what seemed like criticism from Jesus - what did he do? Verse 50 tells us, "The man took Jesus at his word and departed." This, dear friends, is faith without seeing. Isn't this such a challenging message? There was no evidence, no guarantee. It wasn't even the solution he had in mind - Jesus coming with him to heal his son. It was about stepping out alone in faith, believing Jesus's words. Taking Jesus's words and walking into uncertainty with faith.

그랬더니 무슨 일이 일어납니까? 51-52절에 내려가는 길에 종들을 만납니다. 아이가 살았답니다. 그 낫기 시작한 때를 묻습니다. 왜 물었을까요? 그는 믿음이 있었지만 또한 두려움도 있었을 것입니다. 정말 주님이 하실까? 정말 이것이 주님이 하신 일일까? 그랬더니 어제 일곱 시에 지금 시간으로 오후 1시에 아이가 낫기 시작했답니다. 여러분 이 말을 다른 말로 하면 이 사람이 예수님을 떠나 종들을 만날 때까지 하루가 넘는 시간이 걸렸던 것을 알 수 있습니다. 그 하루 동안 얼마나 많은 생각을 했을까요? 그는 예수님의 말씀을 믿었지만 그럼에도 불구하고 그 안에 계속 끊임없이 고뇌하였을 것입니다. 두려웠을 것입니다. 여러분 믿음이 우리 가운데 있는 모든 두려움을 다 가져가는 것이 아니에요. 우리는 두렵지만 그럼에도 불구하고 순종하며 믿음으로 나아가는 것입니다. 그것이 보지 못하는 것을 믿는 믿음인 것입니다.

What happened then? In verses 51-52, on his way home, he meets his servants. They tell him his child is alive. He asks about the time when his son began to get better. Why did he ask? Though he had faith, he probably also had fears. Would the Lord really do it? Was this truly the Lord's work? The servants tell him it was yesterday at the seventh hour, about 1 PM in our time. This tells us that it took more than a day from when he left Jesus until he met his servants. How many thoughts must have gone through his mind during that day? Though he believed Jesus's words, he must have still struggled with constant anxiety. He must have been afraid. You see, faith doesn't take away all our fears. We may be afraid, but we still move forward in obedience and faith despite our fears. That is faith in what we cannot see.

말씀을 맺습니다. 오늘 우리는 왕의 신하를 통해 보지 않고 믿는 믿음에 대해서 이야기했습니다. 오늘의 말씀은 46절에 예수님의 첫번째 표적, 물로 포도주로 만드신 사건을 이야기합니다. 장소도 같은 장소, 갈릴리 가나에서 일어난 일이지요. 여러분 이 첫번째 표적과 두번째 표적이 이루어 진 것을 본 사람들은 누구입니까? 바로 예수님의 말씀에 순종하여 맹물을 퍼다나른 종들과 예수님의 말씀에 순종하여 믿고 가버나움으로 길을 떠난 왕의 신하입니다. 요한은 오늘의 표적을 가르켜 두번째 표적이라고 확실히 못을 박습니다. 그러나 이 두번째 표적을 경험하고 이 표적이 이루어지는 것을 본 사람은 오늘 말씀에서 왕의 신하, 이 한 사람 뿐이었습니다. 역설적이게도 표적과 기사를 보지않고 믿는 믿음을 가졌던 이가 표적과 이사를 경험하게 되는 역사가 일어납니다. 그리고 이로 인하여 그와 온 집안이 다 믿음을 얻는 것을 보게 됩니다. 여러분 예수님께서 여러분에게 이러한 믿음을 요구하시는 지도 모르겠습니다. 그래서 우리를 우리가 알지 못하는 불확실함 속으로 인도하시는지도 모르겠습니다. 그러나 여러분 믿음을 가지십시오. 우리가 두려움 가운데서도 보지 않고 믿는 믿음을 가지고 나아간다면 하나님께서 이루시는 일에 참여하게 될 것입니다. 기도하시겠습니다.


Let me conclude. Today, through the royal official, we talked about faith without seeing. The passage begins in verse 46 by mentioning Jesus's first sign, turning water into wine. It happened in the same place, Cana in Galilee. Who were the ones who saw these first and second signs being performed? It was the servants who obeyed Jesus's words and drew the water, and the royal official who believed and set out for Capernaum in obedience to Jesus's words. John specifically marks this as the second sign. Yet in today's passage, only one person - the royal official - experienced and saw this second sign being performed. Paradoxically, the one who had faith without seeing signs and wonders ended up experiencing them. And through this, his entire household came to believe. Perhaps Jesus is asking for this kind of faith from you too. Maybe that's why He's leading us into uncertainties we don't understand. But have faith, dear friends. If we move forward with faith without seeing, even in our fears, we will participate in what God is doing. Let us pray.


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