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20250205 [새벽묵상] 선한 목자되신 예수님 | Jesus, our Good Shepherd (요/Jhn 10:11~21)

10:11 나는 선한 목자라 선한 목자는 양들을 위하여 목숨을 버리거니와

10:12 삯꾼은 목자도 아니요 양도 제 양이 아니라 이리가 오는 것을 보면 양을 버리고 달아나나니 이리가 양을 물어가고 또 헤치느니라

10:13 달아나는 것은 그가 삯꾼인 까닭에 양을 돌보지 아니함이나

11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.

10:14 나는 선한 목자라 나는 내 양을 알고 양도 나를 아는 것이

10:15 아버지께서 나를 아시고 내가 아버지를 아는 것 같으니 나는 양을 위하여 목숨을 버리노라

10:16 또 이 우리에 들지 아니한 다른 양들이 내게 있어 내가 인도하여야 할 터이니 그들도 내 음성을 듣고 한 무리가 되어 한 목자에게 있으리라

10:17 내가 내 목숨을 버리는 것은 그것을 내가 다시 얻기 위함이니 이로 말미암아 아버지께서 나를 사랑하시느니라

10:18 이를 내게서 빼앗는 자가 있는 것이 아니라 내가 스스로 버리노라 나는 버릴 권세도 있고 다시 얻을 권세도 있으니 이 계명은 내 아버지에게서 받았노라 하시니라

14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

10:19 이 말씀으로 말미암아 유대인 중에 다시 분쟁이 일어나니

10:20 그 중에 많은 사람이 말하되 그가 귀신 들려 미쳤거늘 어찌하여 그 말을 듣느냐 하며

19 The Jews who heard these words were again divided. 20 Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?”

10:21 어떤 사람은 말하되 이 말은 귀신들린 자의 말이 아니라 귀신이 맹인의 눈을 뜨게 할 수 있느냐 하더라

21 But others said, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”


                  예수님께서 스스로를 가르켜 나는 양의 문이다. 나는 선한 목자다라고 말씀하셨습니다. 그런데 이 말씀들을 하신 것은 예수님께서 맹인의 눈을 뜨게 하시고 난 다음이지요. 선천적으로 맹인이었던 사람이 눈을 뜨게 되자 바리새인들이 믿지 아니하고 이 사람을 불러 질문하고 그 부모까지 불러서 질문하는 장면이 나옵니다. 그리고는 맹인이었던 사람을 다시, 두번째 불러서 예수님이 아닌 하나님께 영광을 돌리라고 말을 하지요. 예수님은 안식일을 지키지 않는 죄인이라고 하면서요. 그러나 오히려 맹인이었던 사람이 이들을 이상하게 여기며 예수님이 하나님께로부터 오신 분이라는 것을 고백합니다. 그러자 바리새인들이 죄인인 네가 우리를 가르치느냐 하면서 쫓아내지요. 이 뒤에 예수님께서 말씀하십니다. 나는 양의 문이다. 나보다 먼저 온자, 또 문을 통하지 않는 자 다 도둑이며 강도라고 말씀하시지요. 누구를 말씀하시는 것입니까? 바로 바리새인들입니다. 바리새인들은 누군가가 죄를 지었는가? 그가 죄인인가? 하는 것에 모든 주의를 기울였습니다. 그들이 집중하고 있었던 죄의 문제 때문에 그들은 그들에게 주어진 양을 우리 밖으로 쫓아내고 추방하기까지 하지요. 그러나 그들은 정작 각 사람의 죄 뿐만 아니라 이세상의 모든 죄를 용서하시려 스스로 목숨을 내놓으시는 예수님은 알아보지 못했습니다. 예수님께서 말씀하십니다. “나는 선한 목자라. 선한 목자는 양들을 위하여 목숨을 버리거니와” 오늘의 말씀은 이 선한 목자되시는 예수님에 대해 이야기합니다. 오늘은 이 선한 목자와 삯꾼에 대해서, 또 선한 목자와 양에 대해서 함께 말씀나누기 원합니다.

Jesus referred to Himself saying "I am the gate for the sheep" and "I am the good shepherd." He spoke these words after healing a man born blind. When this man who was born blind received his sight, the Pharisees refused to believe and called him in for questioning, even summoning his parents for questioning. Then, they called the formerly blind man a second time, telling him to give glory to God, not Jesus, calling Jesus a sinner who broke the Sabbath. However, the man who had been blind found their behavior strange and confessed that Jesus must have come from God. The Pharisees responded by throwing him out, saying "You who were steeped in sin are trying to teach us?"


After this, Jesus declared, "I am the gate for the sheep." He said that all who came before Him, and those who don't enter through the gate, are thieves and robbers. Who was He talking about? The Pharisees. They were solely focused on whether someone had sinned or was a sinner. Because of their obsession with sin, they drove their sheep out of the fold and even banished them. Yet they failed to recognize Jesus, who was willing to lay down His life to forgive not only individual sins but the sins of the whole world.

As Jesus says in John 10:11 (NIV), "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." Today's message is about this Good Shepherd. We'll discuss the difference between the good shepherd and the hired hand, and the relationship between the good shepherd and His sheep.

                  선한 목자 되시는 우리 주님. 첫번째, 선한 목자와 삯꾼의 차이입니다. 예수님께서 스스로를 가르켜 선한 목자라고 말씀하시면서 선한 목자와 대척점에 있는 삯꾼에 대해서 말씀하십니다. 12-13절입니다. “삯꾼은 목자가 아니요 양도 제 양이 아니라 이리가 오는 것을 보면 양을 버리고 달아나나니 이리가 양을 물어 가고 또 해치느니라 달아나는 것은 그가 삯꾼인 까닭에 양을 돌보지 아니함이나” 우리가 여기서 첫번째로 알 수 있는 것은 양을 치는 사람이 모두 목자는 아니라는 것입니다. 개중에는 삯꾼, 즉, 품삯을 받고 남의 양을 치는 사람이 있는 것이지요. 목자와 삯꾼의 차이는 평상시에는 잘 드러나지 않습니다. 그러나 목자와 삯꾼이 가장 크게 차이가 나는 때는 바로 위기가 올 때입니다. 삯꾼은 이리가 오는 것을 보면 양들을 위하여 싸우지 않고 양들을 버리고 달아나 버린다는 것입니다. 이는 왜입니까? 그는 삯꾼이기에 그에게 양을 치는 것은 그저 돈을 받기 위해 하는 노동입니다. 그는 실제로는 양들에게 관심조차 없는 것입니다. 양과 그는 아무런 관계가 없습니다. 그저 비즈니스인 것이지요. 그래서 그는 양을 치고 있지만 그는 양을 돌보지 않습니다. 양을 위하지 않습니다. 그에게 가장 중요한 것은 돈입니다. 이것이 삯꾼인 것입니다.

Our Lord, the Good Shepherd. First, let's examine the difference between the good shepherd and the hired hand. In declaring Himself the good shepherd, Jesus speaks about the hired hand who stands in direct contrast to the good shepherd. Verses 12-13 say, "The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."


The first thing we learn here is that not everyone who tends sheep is a shepherd. Some are hired hands who work for wages, tending someone else's sheep. The difference between a shepherd and a hired hand isn't apparent during normal times. The true distinction emerges during crisis. The hired hand flees when he sees the wolf coming, leaving the sheep behind rather than fighting for them. Why? Because he's a hired hand, tending sheep is just labor for money. He has no real interest in the sheep. There is no relationship between him and the sheep. It's just business. So even though he tends the sheep, he doesn't care for them. He doesn't work for the sheep's benefit. Money is what matters most to him. This is what makes him a hired hand.

그러나 예수님은 선한 목자십니다. 예수님께서 스스로를 선한 목자라고 말씀하실 때 그 첫번째로 하셨던 말씀이 바로 “선한 목자는 양들을 위하여 목숨을 버린다” 입니다. 삯꾼이 자신의 안위만을 생각하며 양들에게는 아무 관심도 없는 것과는 다르게 예수님께서는 양들을 위하여 자신의 목숨을 버리신다고 하십니다. 이는 놀라운 차이이지요. 예수님은 양에게 관심이 있으시고 그를 돌보시는 정도가 아니라 나는 내 양을 안다 라고 말씀하십니다. 어제 말씀 3절을 보시면 “문지기는 그를 위하여 문을 열고 양은 그의 음성을 듣나니 그가 자기 양의 이름을 각각 불러 인도하여 내느니라” 라고 하십니다. 그가 자기 양의 이름을 각각 불러라는 부분이 얼마나 은혜가 되는지 모릅니다. 이사야 43:1하반절에도 하나님께서 “내가 너를 지명하여 불렀나니 너는 내 것이라”라는 말씀이 있지 않습니까? 우리 한사람 한사람을 각각 부르시며 지명하여 부르시는 것입니다. 예수님께서는 우리 각 사람을 아시고 우리 한사람 한사람의 형편과 상황을 모두 아시는 것입니다. 어찌나 우리를 그렇게 속속들이 잘 아시는지 마치 하나님께서 예수님을 아시듯 아신다고 하십니다. 그리고 그렇게 우리를 잘 아시는 주님이 오늘 말씀에 “나는 양을 위하여 목숨을 버리노라”라고 말씀하십니다. 이것이 선한 목자되시는 우리 예수님이신 것입니다.

But Jesus is the Good Shepherd. When Jesus declares Himself the good shepherd, the first thing He says is "the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." Unlike the hired hand who only thinks of his own wellbeing and has no concern for the sheep, Jesus says He lays down His life for the sheep. This is a remarkable difference. Jesus doesn't just have interest in and care for the sheep - He says "I know my sheep." Looking at yesterday's verse 3, it says "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."


How gracious it is that He calls each of His sheep by name. Doesn't this remind us of Isaiah 43:1 (NIV) which says "I have called you by name; you are mine"? He calls each one of us individually, by name. Jesus knows each person, understanding all our circumstances and situations. He knows us so thoroughly that He says He knows us just as God knows Him. And this Lord who knows us so well says in today's passage "I lay down my life for the sheep." This is what makes Jesus our Good Shepherd.

그렇다면 이렇게 선한 목자되시는 예수님께 우리는 어떤 양이 되어야 할까요? 첫째로 우리는 목자의 음성을 듣는 양이 되어야 합니다. 아까 함께 읽은 어제 말씀 3절에 “양은 그의 음성을 듣나니 그가 자기 양의 이름을 각각 불러 인도하여 내느니라” 라고 하지 않습니까? 양된 우리는 먼저 예수님의 말씀을 들어야 하는 것입니다. 하나님께서 우리에게 목사님의 설교로 말씀하실때, 개인 묵상의 시간을 통하여 말씀하실 때, 기도 가운데 말씀하실 때 우리는 먼저 목자의 음성, 예수님의 음성을 듣는 양이 되어야 합니다. 그렇게 들을 때에 우리는 예수님의 음성을 분별 할 수 있게 됩니다. 그래서 두번째로 목자의 음성을 아는 양이 되어야 합니다. 14-15절 말씀에 “나는 내 양을 알고 양도 나를 아는 것이 아버지께서 나를 아시고 내가 아버지를 아는 것 같으니” 라고 말씀하십니다. 목자되신 예수님만 우리를 아시는 것이 아니라 양된 우리 또한 목자되신 예수님을 알아야 하는 것입니다. 예수님과 우리가 서로를 아는 것은 마치 하나님께서 예수님을, 또 예수님께서 하나님을 아시는 것과 같다고 하십니다. 이렇게 우리 또한 예수님과 인격적으로 관계적으로 서로 알고, 친하여지고 가까워져야 하는 것입니다. 지난 주 임은석 목사님께서 하신 사무엘상 말씀이 기억납니다. 사무엘상 3:7 “사무엘이 아직 여호와를 알지 못하고 여호와의 말씀도 아직 그에게 나타나지 아니한 때라” 하나님께서 계속 부르시는데도 사무엘은 아직 하나님을 알지 못하여 그것이 하나님의 음성인지 엘리의 음성인지 분간하지 못하였습니다. 마찬가지입니다. 우리가 하나님의 음성을 들으려 하지 않는다면 우리는 하나님의 음성을 영원히 알지 못할 것입니다. 그러나 우리가 예수님의 음성을 듣고 예수님의 음성을 안다면 우리는 예수님께서 목숨을 버리시는 바로 그 양이 되는 것입니다. 예수님의 음성을 듣는 것이 얼마나 중요한지 15절에 이 우리에 들지 아니한 다른 양들도 예수님의 음성을 듣고 한 무리가 되어 한 목자에게 있으리라라고 말씀하십니다. 이 우리, 즉, 유대인이 아닌 자들도 예수님의 음성을 듣는 자들은 예수님의 다른 양이 되어 예수님의 인도하심을 받는 것입니다. 어제의 말씀을 다시 한번 보겠습니다. 4-5절입니다. “자기 양을 다 내놓은 후에 앞서가면 양들이 그의 음성을 아는 고로 따라오되 타인의 음성은 알지 못하는 고로 타인을 따르지 아니하고 도리어 도망하느니라” 목자는 앞서 가십니다. 우리를 인도하십니다. 그러나 우리가 목자의 음성을 알지 못하면 어찌 목자를 따라가겠습니까? 양된 우리는 목자의 음성을 알아서 타인을 따르지 않고 목자만을 따라야 하는 것입니다.

So what kind of sheep should we be to this Good Shepherd? First, we must be sheep who hear the shepherd's voice. As we read in yesterday's verse 3, "the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out." As sheep, we must first listen to Jesus' words. When God speaks to us through our pastor's sermons, through personal devotions, and through prayer, we must first be sheep who hear the voice of our shepherd, Jesus. When we listen this way, we can learn to discern Jesus' voice. Therefore, secondly, we must be sheep who know the shepherd's voice.


Verses 14-15 say, "I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father." Not only does the Good Shepherd Jesus know us, but we as His sheep must know the shepherd Jesus. He says that the way we know each other is like how God knows Jesus and Jesus knows God. We too must know Jesus personally and relationally, becoming close and intimate with Him. I remember Pastor Lim’s message last week from 1 Samuel. 1 Samuel 3:7 (NIV) says, "Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him." Even though God kept calling, Samuel didn't yet know God and couldn't distinguish whether it was God's voice or Eli's. It's the same for us. If we don't try to hear God's voice, we will never know His voice. But if we hear and know Jesus' voice, we become the sheep for whom He lays down His life.


How important it is to hear Jesus' voice is evident in verse 15, which says that other sheep not of this fold will also hear His voice and become one flock under one shepherd. Those not of this fold, meaning non-Jews, who hear Jesus' voice will become His other sheep and receive His guidance. Let's look again at yesterday's verses 4-5: "When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." The shepherd goes ahead. He guides us. But how can we follow the shepherd if we don't know his voice? As sheep, we must know the shepherd's voice so we don't follow strangers but only the shepherd.

말씀을 맺습니다. 예수님께서는 우리의 선한 목자 되십니다. 그는 일반적인 목자가 아닌 양들을 위해 목숨을 버리시는 선한 목자이십니다. 우리는 예수님의 양으로서 예수님의 말씀을 귀기울여 들어야 합니다. 예수님의 말씀에 친숙해져야 합니다. 예수님의 음성을 알아야 합니다. 그래서 선한목자 되신 예수님의 음성만을 따라가야 하는 것입니다. 그럴때에 우리 또한 선한 목자의 선한 양이 될 수 있는 것입니다. 예수님이 우리의 선한 목자되십니다. 그 음성을 들어 아는 목자의 양이 되시기를 축원합니다.


In conclusion, Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He is not an ordinary shepherd but the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. As Jesus' sheep, we must listen carefully to His words. We must become familiar with Jesus' words. We must know Jesus' voice. Then we must follow only the voice of our Good Shepherd. That's how we can become good sheep of the Good Shepherd. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. I pray that you will become sheep who hear and know the Shepherd's voice.


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