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20250325 [새벽묵상] 하나님의 부르심의 특징 | God's Calling: More Than Just a Task(민/Num 4:34~49)

4:34 모세와 아론과 회중의 지도자들이 고핫 자손들을 그 종족과 조상의 가문에 따라 계수하니

4:35 삼십 세부터 오십 세까지 회막에서 복무하고 봉사할 모든 자

4:36 곧 그 종족대로 계수된 자가 이천칠백오십 명이니

4:37 이는 모세와 아론이 여호와께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 회막에서 종사하는 고핫인의 모든 종족 중 계수된 자이니라

34 Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community counted the Kohathites by their clans and families. 35 All the men from thirty to fifty years of age who came to serve in the work at the tent of meeting, 36 counted by clans, were 2,750. 37 This was the total of all those in the Kohathite clans who served at the tent of meeting. Moses and Aaron counted them according to the Lord’s command through Moses.

4:38 게르손 자손 중 그 종족과 조상의 가문을 따라 계수된 자는

4:39 삼십 세부터 오십 세까지 회막 봉사에 참여하여 일할 만한 모든 자라

4:40 그 종족과 조상의 가문을 따라 계수된 자는 이천육백삼십 명이니

4:41 이는 모세와 아론이 여호와의 명령대로 회막에서 종사하는 게르손 자손의 모든 종족 중 계수된 자니라

38 The Gershonites were counted by their clans and families. 39 All the men from thirty to fifty years of age who came to serve in the work at the tent of meeting, 40 counted by their clans and families, were 2,630. 41 This was the total of those in the Gershonite clans who served at the tent of meeting. Moses and Aaron counted them according to the Lord’s command.

4:42 므라리 자손의 종족 중 그 종족과 조상의 가문을 따라 계수된 자는

4:43 삼십 세부터 오십 세까지 회막에서 복무하고 봉사할 모든 자라

4:44 그 종족을 따라 계수된 자는 삼천이백 명이니

4:45 이는 모세와 아론이 여호와께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 므라리 자손들의 종족 중 계수된 자니라

42 The Merarites were counted by their clans and families. 43 All the men from thirty to fifty years of age who came to serve in the work at the tent of meeting, 44 counted by their clans, were 3,200. 45 This was the total of those in the Merarite clans. Moses and Aaron counted them according to the Lord’s command through Moses.

4:46 모세와 아론과 이스라엘 지휘관들이 레위인을 그 종족과 조상의 가문에 따라 다 계수하니

4:47 삼십 세부터 오십 세까지 회막 봉사와 메는 일에 참여하여 일할 만한 모든 자

4:48 곧 그 계수된 자는 팔천오백팔십 명이라

4:49 그들이 할 일과 짐을 메는 일을 따라 모세에게 계수되었으되 여호와께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 그들이 계수되었더라

46 So Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel counted all the Levites by their clans and families. 47 All the men from thirty to fifty years of age who came to do the work of serving and carrying the tent of meeting 48 numbered 8,580. 49 At the Lord’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry.

Thus they were counted, as the Lord commanded Moses.


                  오늘 말씀을 끝으로3장과 4장에서 집중적으로 다루었던 레위 지파에 대한 이야기가 잠시 매듭을 맺습니다. 이스라엘 열 두 지파의 장정 수를 모두 세었습니다. 또 그들이 어떻게 진을 칠 지를 알려주셨습니다. 그들이 행군할 때는 어떻게 행군해야하는지 알려주셨습니다. 각 진영마다 각 지파마다 자신들이 맡은 임무가 있었습니다. 레위 지파도 마찬가지였습니다. 레위 지파에게도 하나님은 성막을 관리하고 운반하는 임무를 주셨습니다. 장정 수를 셀 때에 빠졌던 그들의 수 또한 빠지지 않고 오늘 말씀에 적혀있습니다. 이제 모두에게 임무가 주어졌습니다. 이제 남은 일은 출정하는 것뿐입니다. 주어진대로 임무를 수행하는 것이지요. 저는 이 모습을 보면서 지금 우리 교회와 무척 비슷한 상황인 것 같다는 생각을 합니다. 우리교회도 새로운 학기가 이제 막 시작되었습니다. 이번 3월 부터 각 구역들이 새롭게 배정되어 기존의 구역과는 조금 다르게 바뀌었죠. 또한 부서도 마찬가지 입니다. 각부서에 새롭게 신청하신 분들이 계셔서 부서마다 부서가 하는 일들을 다시 점검하고 인원을 재배치하고 있지요. 마치 오늘 말씀으로 마무리지어지는 이스라엘 12지파 각각의 임무 분배와 그 수를 계수하는 모습과 비슷한 것 같습니다. 오늘은 이렇게 우리에게 임무를 주시는 하나님의 부르심의 특징에 대해서 말씀나누기 원합니다.

Today, we're wrapping up our journey through chapters 3 and 4, focusing on the Levite tribe. We've counted the number of men from all twelve tribes of Israel, learned how they would set up their camps, and how they would march. Each tribe, each group had a specific mission - and the Levites were no exception.

God assigned the Levites a crucial task: managing and transporting the tabernacle. Even the number of Levites that were previously uncounted is now recorded in today's scripture. Everyone now has their assignment. The only thing left is to go out and fulfill the mission God has given them.

When I look at this, I can't help but see a striking parallel to our own church. We've just started a new semester. This March, our church areas have been newly assigned, slightly different from before. Our departments are also being restructured, with new volunteers joining and roles being redistributed. It's almost exactly like the way the twelve tribes of Israel were given their specific assignments.

Let me share three key insights about God's calling:

                  하나님께서 명령하실 때에 먼저 리더들이 순종합니다. 34절 보시겠습니다. “모세와 아론과 회중의 지도자들이 고핫 자손들을 그 종족과 조상의 가문에 따라 계수하니” 이들 리더들이 고핫 자손의 수를 센 것은 하나님의 명령으로 시작된 일이었습니다. 오늘 말씀이 있는 민수기 4장의 맨 처음에 하나님께서 모세와 아론에게 레위 자손의 숫자를 세라고 명령하시지요. 그러시면서 각 자손 별로 해야할 일들을 알려주십니다. 임무에 대한 명령이 끝나고 사람 수를 오늘 말씀34절에서야 비로소 세기 시작하는데 회중의 지도자들이 모세와 아론을 돕는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 이는 하나님께서 이들에게 명령하신 일은 아니었지요. 그러나 회중의 지도자인 이들은 그들이 먼저 모세와 아론을 도와 하나님께서 명령하신 일에 동참하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 이것은 직분자들이 하나님의 일을 감당해야 할 때에 여러분께서도 동역하는 마음을 품고 적극적으로 협력해야 함을 보여줍니다. 모세와 아론과 회중의 지도자들이 함께 계수할 때에 일의 효율성이 생겼습니다. 계수를 기다리는 레위인들의 어려움도 덜을 수 있었습니다. 그리고 결과적으로 하나님께서 명령하신 일이 이루어졌지요. 이렇게 교역자와 성도 여러분들의 힘이 합하여질 때 교회는 하나님이 맡기신 사명을 잘 감당하게 될 것입니다.

1. Leaders Lead by Example

Numbers 4:34 says, "Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community counted the Kohathites by their clans and families." These leaders began by counting the Kohathites in response to God's command. At the beginning of Numbers 4, God instructed Moses and Aaron to count the Levite descendants and assign their specific tasks.

Notice how the community leaders actively supported Moses and Aaron, even though it wasn't directly commanded of them. This demonstrates how church leaders and congregation members should work together. When leaders and congregants collaborate, the church can effectively fulfill its God-given mission.

                  두번째로 하나님의 부르심에는 높고 낮음이 없습니다. 우리는 직업에 귀천이 없다고 이야기하면서도 그 마음에 항상 성공에 대한 열망이 있지요. 그래서일까요? 크리스천이라고 말하는 우리는 그래도 벌이가 적고 힘든 일을 하시는 분들에 대해서 얕잡아 보거나 낮게 보는 일은 없는 것 같습니다. 하지만 세상적인 성공이나 존경받는 직업을 가진 분들에 대해서는 자연스럽게 좀 더 가치를 두는 모습을 보이게 되는 것 같습니다. 교회도 마찬가지인 것 같습니다. 우리가 흔히 교회에 대해서 이야기할 때에 가장 먼저 이야기 하는 것이 교회의 교인 숫자입니다. 아 이 교회는 큰 교회다 라고 얘기할 때 가장 먼저 성도의 수에 대해서 이야기 하지요. 심지어 이찬수 목사님도 입에서 자꾸 만.. 만..이렇게 나오는 걸 참으시느라 그렇게 고생한다고 하십니다. 자신을 모르는 사람들에게 당신을 소개하실 때 당신이 ‘만명 이상 출석하는 교회 담임 목사다’ 라고 하는 그 말 참기가 그렇게 어렵다고 해요. 이렇듯 우리는 우리에게 맡겨진 일을 따라, 또 우리에게 주어진 사람 수를 따라 우리가 더 중요하고 또는 덜 중요하다고 생각하기 쉽지요. 그러나 하나님의 부르심에는 높고 낮음이 없습니다. 오늘 말씀에도 하나님께서 직접 고핫과 게르손, 므라리 자손 모두의 수를 각각 세라고 하시지요. 하나님께서 성궤를 다루는 고핫만을 계수하라고 말씀하시지도 않으셨고 이들을 하나로 뭉뚱그려 단순히 ‘성막 봉사자의 수를 세라’고 하시지도 않으셨습니다. 그러셨다면 총 수 만을 기록하면 될 일이지요. 그러나 하나님은 서로 다른 책무를 맡은 자손들의 수를 각각 기록하게 하심으로 이들을 향한 하나님의 부르심이 높고 낮음이 없음을 우리에게 보이십니다.

2. God's Calling Knows No Hierarchy

Let's be honest. Even as Christians, we sometimes unconsciously value certain jobs or roles more than others. We might unintentionally respect those in seemingly successful or prestigious positions more than those in less visible roles.

Some pastors even struggle with introducing themselves by the size of their congregation. But here's the profound truth: In God's calling, there is no high or low. God didn't just lump the Levite families together or focus only on those handling the ark. Instead, He meticulously counted each family - Kohath, Gershon, and Merari - showing that each role is equally important in His eyes.

                  셋째로, 하나님께서 이들을 부르심은 그들로 하나님과 함께 하게 하기 위함입니다. 49절입니다. “그들이 할 일과 짐을 메는 일을 따라 모세에게 계수되었으되 여호와께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 그들이 계수되었더라” 이스라엘의 다른 지파들의 수를 센 것은 그들로 전쟁을 대비하게 하기 위함이었습니다. 그래서 20세 이상의 장정들의 수를 센 것이지요. 그러나 이들의 수를 센 것은 그들의 할 일, 즉, 35절 말씀처럼 회막에서 복무하고 봉사하는 일. 또 행군시에 각각 회막의 짐들을 맡겨진 대로 메는 일을 하기 위해 수를 센 것이었죠. 하나님께서는 또한 이들 레위인들이 당신의 것이라고 말씀하십니다. 당신께서 거룩하게 구별하신 장자들을 대신한 이들이다라고 말씀하셨지요. 이들을 이토록 거룩하게 구별하시고 이들로 회막을 섬기게 하신 것은 바로 하나님께서 이들 사이에 거하기 위함이었습니다. 거룩하신 하나님이 이스라엘 백성 가운데 계시며 이들이 움직여야 할 때에는 그 구름기둥으로 먼저 앞서 가십니다. 머물때나 움직일 때나 하나님께서 이들과 함께하시고 동행하시는 것입니다. 바로 이 일을 위하여 하나님께서 이들을 구별하시고 이들이 이 임무를 맡을 수 있도록 그 수를 세신 것입니다. 하나님께서 이들에게 주신 임무는 바로 이들이 하나님과 함께 하기 위함이며 이들을 통하여 온 이스라엘이 하나님과 동행하기 위함인 것입니다.

3. God's Purpose is Intimacy, Not Just Tasks

Verse 49 beautifully captures this: "They were counted according to the command the Lord gave Moses—each man assigned to his task and burden."

While other tribes were counted for war preparation, the Levites were counted for a divine purpose: to serve in the tabernacle and carry its sacred items. God set them apart, declaring them as His own, replacing the firstborn. Why? So that He could dwell among His people.

Whether they were stationary or moving, God was with them, guiding them with the pillar of cloud. Their mission wasn't just about completing tasks, but about experiencing God's presence.

                  말씀을 맺습니다. 하나님께서 우리 각 사람 하나하나에게 임무를 주십니다. 사명을 주십니다. 이 일들은 누군가는 더 중요한 일을 맡고 누군가는 덜 중요한 일을 맡는 것이 아닙니다. 우리가 기꺼이 하나님의 일을 맡으려 할 때 하나님께서 우리와 함께 하십니다. 우리에게 사명을 주신 이유가 우리로 일을 시키시려는 것이 아니라 바로 하나님께 더 가까이 하게 하심입니다. 이 사명을 통해 하나님께서 우리 가운데 계시고 우리를 인도하시기 위함인 것입니다. 성도여러분, 레위 지파와 같이 하나님을 기업으로 살아가시는 여러분들 되시기를 원치않으십니까? 하나님께서 맡기신 일에 충성하시는 여러분들 되시기를 주님의 이름으로 축원합니다. 기도하시겠습니다.


God gives each of us a mission. These assignments aren't about some being more important than others. When we willingly embrace God's work, He promises to be with us. The purpose isn't to make us work, but to bring us closer to Him.

Isn't that what we want? To live like the Levites, making God our inheritance? To be faithful in the mission He's entrusted to us?

May we all be blessed to walk in God's calling, allowing Him to guide and use us for His glory.

Let’s pray.


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